Select the tab below to learn about the review and appeal process as well as your right to request an external review or appeal.

Can I apply for a review?

You can apply for a review of a University decision if:

  • you apply within 21 working days of receiving notice of the decision
  • the decision is 'reviewable'.

'Reviewable' decisions

A decision will be 'reviewable' if it falls under one of the following categories:

Type of 'reviewable' decision Description Example
General misconduct decision A decision made about the general misconduct of a student under University regulations. A student engages in threatening behaviour. The student is suspended for the remainder of the semester.
Academic misconduct decision A decision made about the academic misconduct of a student under University regulations. A student cheats in an assessment task. The responsible staff member decides that the student will receive no grade for that item of assessment.
Reviewable administrative decision A final decision made by the University in response to a student complaint, other than a frivolous or trivial complaint. A student submits an assessment item late. The responsible staff member takes off 10% of the assessed mark. The student complains that the penalty is too harsh. The responsible staff member considers the student's complaint and decides to not alter the penalty.
Student unsatisfactory progress decision A decision in respect of a student who has failed to maintain satisfactory academic progress. A student has failed several subjects in a program. The academic unit reviews the student's progress in the program and decides to exclude the student.
Reviewable statutory decision A decision in respect of which University legislation or other applicable legislation allows or requires a review. The Higher Education Support Act 2003 requires a process of review in relation to the remission of fees.
Deemed refusal A decision, which a student has applied for but after 21 working days has not been made by the University, and if it had been made it would have been a reviewable decision affecting the applicant in their capacity as a student.  
Need help applying for a review?

You can make a confidential appointment with a Swinburne Student Life Advocacy Officer and they will help you apply for a review. Alternatively, apply for a review online.

Unsatisfied with your review outcome?

If you have received a review outcome and are unsatisfied with the University's decision, you can apply for an appeal.

An appeal is the second step in the review and appeals process. If you have received a review outcome and you are dissatisfied with the University’s decision, you can apply for an appeal of that decision. 

Can I apply for an appeal? 

You can apply for an appeal of a University decision if: 

  • you have received a review outcome 
  • you apply within 21 working days of receiving notice of the review decision 
  • you have one or more grounds for appeal. 

Grounds for appeal 

You must identify one or more of the following grounds for appeal: 

  • There was relevant evidence which could not have been known by you prior to the review and was not taken into account by the review officer. 
  • A procedural irregularity occurred which may have affected the review officer's decision. 
  • The decision was manifestly wrong. 
  • The penalty imposed was manifestly excessive. 
  • The review officer failed to make a decision within 21 working days
Who can help me apply for an appeal?

If you need help applying for an appeal, you can make a confidential appointment with a Swinburne Student Life Advocacy Officer.

Would you like an external review?

You have the right to request an external review. External agencies may require that you exhaust the University's review and appeals process before they will consider your case.

You also have a right to request that certain external agencies review university decisions. External bodies may require that you exhaust Swinburne's review and appeal processes before they will consider your case. 

The following external agencies can assist you in appealing university decisions: 

National Student Ombudsman

The National Student Ombudsman (NSO) is a free and independent service for students to resolve complaints about their higher education provider. You can apply for a complaint here National Student Ombudsman (NSO).

*Please note the National Student Ombudsman does not consider complaints relating to a VET course.

Victorian Ombudsman 

If you are unhappy with the outcome of this process, you may wish to complain to the Victorian Ombudsman by completing the online complaint form or by calling (+61 3) 9613 6222 or 1800 806 314 in regional areas. 

The Victorian Ombudsman may require that you have exhausted all internal avenues of resolution, including review and appeal, before they will accept your complaint in relation to a University decision. 

VET FEE-HELP or VET Student Loans (Commonwealth Ombudsman)

The Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman investigates complaints about problems that VET FEE-HELP or VET Student Loans students have with their provider in Australia. The service is free, independent and impartial.

You should try to resolve the complaint with Swinburne before contacting the Commonwealth Ombudsman by using the complaints and feedback page.

Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)

If you are unhappy with the quality of VET courses, you may wish to lodge a complaint with ASQA via their website or by calling 1300 701 801.

ASQA may require that you have exhausted all internal avenues of resolution, including review and appeal.

Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA)

TEQSA’s functions include collecting and analysing information on higher education providers to ensure compliance with their regulatory obligations under the Higher Education Standards Framework.

If you have concerns or allegations of non-compliance you may wish to lodge a complaint with TEQSA.

Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)

A student may appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) where the university has refused to re-credit a student's FEE HELP, HECS-HELP, OS-HELP, VET Student loan or VET FEE HELP balance under the university's remissions guidelines. 

Note: This is not a full list. For further information on external reviews and appeals, please make an appointment with a Swinburne Student Life Advocacy Officer

Student support and services 


If you require further assistance, you are advised to contact Swinburne Student Life and make an appointment with an Advocacy Officer who can help you apply for a review or appeal. 

External interpreting and translation services 

The TIS National is an interpreting service provided by the Australian Government for non-English speakers. The service is available 24/7 and can be used by individuals who require help in speaking with an Australian service or business by telephone. 

Swinburne University of Technology is not a registered organisation with TIS National. However, individuals can still access the service at a cost. Visit TIS National for more information. 

If you require translating services, you can access a list of accredited services on via the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters.

Reviews and Appeals Regulations 2012

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Need help with making a review or appeal?

If you need help applying for a review or an appeal, you can make a confidential appointment with a Swinburne Student Life Advocate Officer. Email Swinburne Student Life on or call +61 3 9214 5445.

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