Submitting work
How you submit your assessment items can vary from unit to unit. Always check with your unit convenor. Learn more about hard-copy and electronic submissions.
Hard-copy submissions
If you’re submitting your work in hard-copy, you will need to attach the official signed Swinburne cover sheet. Some courses may specify and provide an alternative cover sheet.
Electronic submissions
You can submit your assessment electronically via the Canvas assessment submission system, which integrates with the Turnitin plagiarism prevention service. With all submissions, you need to have read and agreed to the assessment declaration.
Turnitin is online text-matching software that compares electronically submitted papers to billions of web pages, proprietary databases and the work of other students. The software is currently used by thousands of universities in Australia and internationally.
In addition to providing a platform for submitting work electronically, Turnitin is used in the following ways:
- Staff and students can use Turnitin to review submissions for citation and paraphrasing.
- Teaching staff may use Turnitin to help identify plagiarism or inadequate citations.
Assessment declaration
All students must agree to the following declaration when submitting assessment items.
Declaration and Statement of Authorship
- I have not impersonated, or allowed myself to be impersonated by any person for the purposes of this assessment.
- This assessment is my/our original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made.
- No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the lecturer/teacher concerned.
- I have not previously submitted this work for this or any other course/unit.
- I give permission for my assessment response to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for plagiarism detection, benchmarking or educational purposes.
I understand that:
- Plagiarism is the presentation of another person's work as though it is your own. It is a form of cheating and is a very serious academic offence that may lead to exclusion from the university.
- Plagiarised material may be drawn from published and unpublished written documents, interpretations, computer software, designs, music, sounds, images, photographs, and ideas or ideological frameworks gained through working with another person or in a group.
- Plagiarised material can be drawn from, and presented in, written, graphic and visual form, including electronic data and oral presentations. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited.
I agree and acknowledge that:
- I have read and understood the Declaration and Statement of Authorship above.
- I accept that use of my Swinburne account to electronically submit this assessment constitutes my agreement to the Declaration and Statement of Authorship.
- If I do not agree to the Declaration and Statement of Authorship in this context, the assessment outcome may not be valid for assessment purposes and may not be included in my aggregate score for this unit.
Penalties for plagiarism range from a formal caution to expulsion from the university, and are detailed in the Student Academic Misconduct Regulations 2012.
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Keep on exploring
Academic integrity
Academic progress and reviews
Understanding your academic results
Submitting work
Final assessment period
Access Turnitin
Log in to Canvas with your student ID and password to access Turnitin and submit your work electronically.