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Photonic Entanglement Sharing

Prof Geoff Pryde

Centre for Quantum Dynamics, Griffith University, Australia

9:30 am Wednesday, 27 Augustl 2014, EN101 Lecture Theatre (EN Building), Hawthorn.

Quantum entanglement is the primary resource for nascent quantum information technologies and, arguably, the most interesting and counterintuitive feature of fundamental quantum mechanics. Shared entanglement (between two remote parties, for example) can provide the basis for absolutely secure communication, the basis for guaranteed randomness, and allows the teleportation of quantum information. Entanglement will also play an important role in quantum computers and enhanced-precision metrology.

Optical quantum states of light, such as entangled photons, provide an excellent system for studying and employing entanglement, because they are relatively immune to noise, readily manipulated and are capable of carrying information over long distances.

In this talk, I will give an introduction to experiments with entangled photons and their applications, and then talk about how we are addressing current challenges. The aim is to harness entanglement in a way that overcomes real-world limitations such as an imperfect apparatus and the optical loss inevitably incurred during photon transmission.




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