Research ethics and integrity
We’re committed to ensuring that all Swinburne research is conducted responsibly with honesty, integrity and respect for human participants, animals and the environment.
Swinburne researchers are committed to the highest ethical, professional and scholarly standards. At Swinburne, our research conforms to the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research. Our People, Culture and Integrity Policy also reflects our commitment to the code.
Research integrity
We're committed to ensuring that all research is conducted responsibly with honesty, integrity and respect for human research participants, animals and the environment.
Animal research
Learn more about Swinburne’s animal research activities.
Biosafety compliance
Research involving biohazardous materials and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) must comply with relevant legislation and guidelines.
Data management
Learn more about our standards for the collection, retention and disposal of research data.
Intellectual property
Learn more about Swinburne’s intellectual property policy for collaborative research projects, staff members and students.
Funding from tobacco companies
Learn more about our policy regarding not accepting funding for research from the tobacco industry.
Swinburne Online Ethics Review Management (ERM) system
Allowing easy submission, review and management of your human ethics, animal ethics and biosafety applications in one comprehensive online system.
This online ethics application and review (ERM) system allows for easy submission, reviewing and management of your human ethics, animal ethics and biosafety applications. The same platform is used at many universities and hospitals across Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland and has been specifically tailored for ethics application submission and management here at Swinburne.
The system includes:
- Human research ethics application form — standard, HREA (clinical trials) and expedited review
- Human research ethics modification form
- Human research ethics annual/final report form
- Human research ethics adverse event/incident report form
- Animal ethics application form
- Biosafety application form
Projects that were migrated from the previous system will only contain minimal information and are only accessible in ERM for the Chief Investigator. If other approved research personnel listed on the application (including students) require access to the project online, the CI must share the application with those personnel. Instructions for sharing applications in ERM are available in the User Guide.
If you have any feedback on ERM, please email the Swinburne Research Ethics Office at resethics@swinburne.edu.au or contact us on +61 3 9214 8145 or +61 3 9215 3845.
ERM Human Ethics Applicant Guide
This detailed guide will walk you through using the ERM for human research applications.
ERM Biosafety Applicant Guide
This detailed guide will walk you through using the ERM for biosafety applications.
Are you a Swinburne researcher?
Find more information and resources to assist you with navigating ethics, funding and policy requirements on our dedicated research intranet.
How you can reach us
Mailing address
Research Ethics, Integrity and Biosafety Office
Swinburne Research (H68)
PO Box 218
Hawthorn VIC 3122
Research complaints and concerns
Institutions may receive complaints about researchers or the conduct of research, or about the conduct of the University's review committees. At Swinburne, these committees comprise:
- the Swinburne University Human Research Ethics Committee (SUHREC)
- the Ethics Sub-committees (SHESC)
- the Swinburne Animal Ethics Committee (SAEC); and
- the Swinburne Biosafety Committee (SBC).
Complaints may be made by anyone within or outside of the University, including participants in Swinburne’s research. Be assured that all complaints will be followed up and will be handled with sensitivity and confidentiality. Please refer any matters to the appropriate team below.
Research integrity
Research Integrity Coordinator
+61 3 9214 8356
Human ethics
Senior Research Ethics Coordinator
+61 3 9214 3845
Animal ethics
Animal Ethics Secretariat
+61 3 9214 8356
Biosafety Committee Secretariat
+61 3 9214 8059
Contact us
Call the Research Ethics office on +61 3 9214 3845 or +61 3 9214 8145 or send an email to resethics@swinburne.edu.au.
Call the Research Integrity office on +61 3 9214 8356 or send an email to resintegrity@swinburne.edu.au.