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Complaints and Feedback

Swinburne University of Technology is committed to providing a positive educational experience. We appreciate and value your feedback.

Fields marked with Mandatory are mandatory

Your Details

Type of Feedback

Indicate the main topic of your complaint or feedback (if your feedback spans multiple topics, choose the most significant or relevant, then provide further details in your complaint summary).

Your complaint or feedback Mandatory

Please tell us about your complaint or feedback. It is important that you clearly specify details such as:

  • unit codes/titles and course code/title
  • staff member names
  • dates, teaching periods, locations.

For assessment complaints, you must specify:

  • the date you received your result
  • details of the reassessment you are seeking
  • where possible, provide evidence of your attempt at local resolution (e.g. email exchanges).

You may also upload supporting documents before you submit this form.

What action would you like us to take to resolve your matter?

Upload Documents

You can attach up to 10 documents to support your feedback. Accepted document formats are: GIF, JPG, DOC, DOCX, PDF. Maximum document size is 3MB.


Applicant's Declaration

Swinburne University of Technology collects, uses and destroys your information in accordance with our Privacy Statement.

I declare that my submission is true and correct. I consent to the university verifying and investigating my written statement and any associated documentation submitted