On-chip laboratory for Bose-Einstein condensation
Dr. Jozsef Fortagh
University of Tubingen, Germany
3.30pm, Friday 22 August 2003, AR103 Seminar Room, Graduate Research Centre
Our recent experimental work has been devoted to three different aspects of the physics of
magnetic microtraps. Firstly, we have characterized an anomalous magnetic field component which appears on the surface
of a current carrying copper conductor. Thereby, coulds of ultracold thermal and condensed atoms were used as sensors
for weak magnetic fields. Next, we investigated the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates while they were moving within
the microtrap. We identified a shape oscillation of the condensate which is driven by the center of mass motion if
moving in an anharmonic potential. Our latest development is a dual-layer microstructure with a multiplicity of microtraps.
On the chip, three-dimensional positioning and excitationless transport of condensates are possible.
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