High index planar light circuits and high power kHz fiber lasers
Ove Poulsen
CEO, NKT Research & Innovation, Denmark
11.00am, Friday 4 July 2003, AR103 Seminar Room, Graduate Research Centre
Developments in micro- and nanofabrication have allowed for novel optical functionalities to be
realized. Two interconnected systems will be presented, planar high index contrast waveguide structures and microstructured
fibers. Common to both systems are the presence of elaborate index structures as enabler for record breaking optical
performances. High index contrast waveguides in SiON have been realized with low optical losses, negligible polarization
dispersion and connected to the outside world by efficient low loss couplers. Components in Δn=2.5% will be shown and
discussed. Microstructured optical fibers represent a different high index contrast geometry. Recent results on rare earth
doped double clad microstructured fibre lasers will be presented, showing effective �photon� conversion efficiencies
in excess of 90% at CW output powers as high as 300 Watts around 1 �m. Combined with the availability of spectral purities
<1 kHz incorporating weak index structures, new regimes of non-linear mixing schemes are allowed for use in spectroscopy
as well as in numerous industrial applications. Initially the NKT Group of Denmark, enjoying collaboration with 7
universities in Denmark and abroad will be briefly presented.
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