Wave Particle-Duality with a Single Photon: the Delayed Choice Gedanken Experiment - at Last a Real Experiment
Prof. Alain Aspect
Institut d'Optique, Palaiseau, France
Monday, 16 November 2007, 11.00am, EN101, Ground Floor, Engineering Building, Hawthorn.
Wave-particle duality is at the root of the quantum revolution
initiated at the beginning of the 20th century, and most textbooks
on quantum physic s start with a description of an "experiment"
to demonstrate it. In contrast to common belief, this textbook
experiment was only realized in 1985, after the development of
the first source of single photons. The most fascinating scheme
of that Gedanken Experiment - the "delayed-choice" experiment
proposed by J.A. Wheeler- has been recently implemented. We
will present that experiment, which stresses one big "quantum
mystery" in the words of Feynman.
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