Semiconductor Cavity QED
Professor Hyatt M. Gibbs
College of Optical Sciences, University
of Arizona, USA
11:00 am Wednesday, 13 August 2008, AGSE207 ( AGSE Building
), Hawthorn.
Quantum dots continue to
prove themselves as artificial atoms with characteristics that may
soon make them the oscillators of choice for cavity QED experiments.
Nonlinear light-matter interactions are enhanced by placing the
nonlinear optical materials in the antinode of the intracavity field.
Optical bistability and nonlinear optical switches utilize this
fact. And so does vacuum Rabi splitting (VRS), first seen in semiconductors
by Weisbuch et al. in a VCSEL-like planar microcavity containing
several quantum wells. VRS splitting becomes even more interesting
for quantum optics and information science when the cavity is made
three-dimensional and shrunk to a mode volume of a cubic wavelength
and the quantum wells are replaced by a single quantum dot. This
changes the VRS from many-atom-like to single-atom-like, i.e. the
regime of true strong coupling where the state of the quantum dot
is entangled with the presence or absence of a photon in the cavity
field. This quantum system shows the characteristic strong coupling
anticrossing of the quantum-dot and cavity-mode energies, and it
emits quantum (nonclassical) light, exhibiting antibunching and
sub-poissonian photon statistics. It should eventually be used for
quantum state transfer and for demonstrating higher rungs of the
Jaynes-Cummings ladder.
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