Profile image for Amir Eslami Andargoli

Dr Amir Eslami Andargoli

Senior Lecturer, Information Systems


Dr. Andargoli is a researcher in Information Systems and Digitalisation with research interests in digitalisation and digital transformation in healthcare. In particular, Dr. Andargoli looks at how digital platforms evolve over time and add value to organisations and people. Drawing on principles from information systems and management, Dr. Andargoli has published research in peer-reviewed journals and symposiums, both locally and internationally. Dr. Andargoli has led and been involved in several digital health projects supported by various grants including an Australian Academy of Science Regional Collaborations Programme grant, a Barbara Dicker Brain Science grant, etc. Core to all of these projects is the importance of user-centric approaches in the design and implementation of digital technologies to create value in the healthcare industry. Further, Dr. Andargoli teaches into the Master and Bachelor of Business Information Systems at the Swinburne University of Technology and is supervising several Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates. 

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.


Available to supervise honours students.

Fields of Research

  • Business Systems In Context - 350300
  • Information Security Management - 460904
  • Information Systems Organisation And Management - 460908
  • Business Process Management - 460901

Teaching areas

Human Computer Interactions


Also published as: Eslami Andargoli, Amir; Eslami Andargoli, A.; Eslami Andargoli, Amirhossein; Andargoli, A. E.; Andargoli, Amir; Andargoli, Amir E.; Andargoli, Amir Eslami; Andargoli, Amirhossein; Andargoli, Amirhossein Eslami; Androgoli, Amir Eslami
This publication listing is provided by Swinburne Research Bank. If you are the owner of this profile, you can update your publications using our online form.

Recent research grants awarded

  • 2022: Developing a solution to connect with appropriate care for people with ME/CFS *; EMERGE AUSTRALIA INC FUND SCHEME
  • 2022: Technology and Dementia Care – A Conceptualisation of Digital Twins for Facilitating Better Dementia Prediction, Prevention and Care. *; Barbara Dicker Brain Science grant
  • 2021: Covid-19 and virtual Healthcare: The barriers, enablers & drivers in Australia vs Pakistan *; Australian Academy of Science Regional Collaborations Programme
  • 2021: Wearable Devices Research & Innovation Pilot *; Silver Chain Group Limited Fund Scheme
  • 2019: Assessment of data requirement for a Supply Chain Traceability Platform *; Bondi Laboratories Pty Ltd
  • 2019: Digital Wallets: The impacts, implications and issues *; 460degrees_PT

* Chief Investigator

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