Profile image for Abhik Banerjee

Dr Abhik Banerjee

Associate Director, Digital Innovation Lab/Senior Research Fellow


Dr. Abhik Banerjee is a Senior Research Fellow and Associate Director at the Digital Innovation Lab at Swinburne University of Technology. His research interests are in the areas of the Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0, wireless networking, and indoor positioning. In his current role, his research focus is on the development of novel IoT solutions to industry problems.

Before joining Swinburne University of Technology, Dr. Banerjee worked as a software architect at Robert Bosch India. As the primary technical lead in an internal Bosch startup IERO, he led the design and development of an edge based indoor positioning platform used for context aware personalization in diverse indoor retail environments. Prior to that, he worked at Samsung R&D India – Bangalore, where focused on the design and development of networking middleware for Samsung devices, addressing multiple issues in connectivity management encompassing Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Cellular Data.

Dr. Banerjee obtained his Phd from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 2012. He obtained his Bachelor of Engineering with first class honours from National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India. His doctoral thesis focused on reduction of overhead costs in wireless networks, with a particular focus on leveraging wireless broadcast advantage. After his PhD, he worked at Institut Telecom, France, focusing on self-organization in wireless and vehicular networks using evolutionary algorithms.

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.


Also published as: Banerjee, Abhik; Banerjee, A.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2024: Industry 4.0 Technical Lead - Swinburne *; Defence Materials Technology Centre (DMTC Limited)
  • 2023: An Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) data capture and traceability solution for digital twin driven product quality improvement *; EZYCHEF FUND SCHEME
  • 2023: Industry 4.0 Readiness Assessment Module A *; ACC HIGGINS FUND SCHEME
  • 2023: Industry 4.0 Readiness Assessment Module A *; The Trustee for CCMSM Commercial Trust (Crusader Caravans) Fund Sceme
  • 2023: Responsible AI for Net Zero – An Australia and India Collaborative Approach towards Practice, Governance and Ethics in Energy Futures *; Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Cwlth)
  • 2022: Industrial Internet-of-Things Solution for Real-time Product Quality Assessment *; Innovative Manufacturing CRC
  • 2022: Industry 4.0 Readiness Assessment Module B & C *; GANGI GERMICIDAL SYSTEMS PTY LTD FUND SCHEME
  • 2022: Industry 4.0 Readiness Assessment Module-A *; Innovative Manufacturing CRC
  • 2022: Industry 4.0 Readiness Assessments *; Australian Meat Processor Corporation
  • 2019: Development of an Internet of Things-based Physical Access Controller *; Innovation Connections
  • 2019: Industry 4.0 Data-driven study for dealing with variation in the Vegemite Evaporation Process *; Bega Cheese Pty Ltd
  • 2019: Industry 4.0 Inbound Milk Supply Chain Monitoring Pilot *; Bega Cheese Pty Ltd
  • 2019: Live Inbound Milk Logistics Monitoring and Forecasting Platform *; Bega Cheese Pty Ltd

* Chief Investigator

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