Profile image for Abbas Valadkhani

Professor Abbas Valadkhani

Professor, Applied Economics and Finance


Professor Valadkhani graduated from the University of Queensland in 1997. He has held full-time permanent positions at the University of Newcastle, Queensland University of Technology, the University of Wollongong, and the University of New England. His recent research interests lie in energy economics, monetary policy, investment, and quantifying extreme downside risk. His articles have been cited in 44 different A and A* journals. 

In 2016, his research work, published in The Conversation and The Guardian, provided significant policy input for several parliamentarians. This input led to an inquiry into how Australia's 'Big Four' banks set interest rates, which received extensive media coverage. During a Senate Committee inquiry, parliamentarians directly cited his name and findings while questioning the CEOs of the 'Big Four' banks. This citation resulted in increased transparency and competition in the market.

In recognition of the public policy impact of his research into financial institutions, he received the 2015 Vice-Chancellor’s Research Excellence Award at Swinburne University of Technology. His work on the interest-rate setting behavior of the Australian big-four banks was immediately read by federal politicians across the political spectrum. In terms of engagement and impact, The Conversation ranked his article among the top six leading articles in its 2016 Stakeholder Report. He has secured several competitive grants from the ARC (DP120102753, Sole CI), Wollongong City Council and Regional Development Australia, and NSW Environmental Trust.

He has supervised 15 PhD students to successful completion.


As of 3 May 2024, based on the multi-dimensional publication data during the last ten years, he has been ranked in the top 7% of 68,286 registered economists in the world by the RePEc: 

This composite ranking is based on more than 34 different research criteria including bibliographic data and citation analysis.

Google Scholar Link:


(a) The refereed articles are classified by the SJR and ABDC journal rankings. (b) Impact factors are based on the latest Journal Citation Reports. 

ABDC Journal Ranking (A*) or SJR=Q1: 

, A. and O'Mahony, B. (2024), Sector-specific calendar anomalies in the US equity market (January 1999-December 2023), International Review of Financial Analysis, 95, 103347. (Impact Factor=8.2, SJR=Q1, ABDC=A).

Valadkhani, A. and O'Mahony, B. (2024), Sustainable investing in extreme market conditions: Doing well while doing good, Journal of Economic Studies, SJR=Q1, ABDC=B, Accepted 21 April 2024.

Valadkhani, A. (2023), Analyzing different types of asymmetric responses in terminal gate prices of petrol and diesel across major Australian seaports: implications for fuel price monitoring strategies, Energy Economics, 122, 106709 (SJR=Q1, ABDC=A*, Impact Factor=9.252).

Valadkhani, A. (2023), Asymmetric causality between Bitcoin and tech stocks in the US market using mixed frequency data, Journal of Economic Studies, (Accepted 2 July 2023) [SJR=Q1, ABDC=B].

Valadkhani, A. and Moradi, A (2023) An empirical analysis of exchange-traded funds in the US?, Economic Analysis and Policy, 78, 995-1009 [SJR=Q1, ABDC=B].

Valadkhani, A. (2023), Investment sensitivity to market uncertainty in the travel and tourism sector, Tourism Economics, SJR=Q1, ABDC=A, Accepted on 29 December 2022 (Impact Factor=4.582).

Valadkhani, A., Nguyen, J. and Chiah, M. (2022), When is gold an effective hedge against inflation?, Resources Policy, 79, 103009 (SRA=T1, Impact Factor= 8.22).

Valadkhani, A., Anwar, S., Ghazanfari, A. Nguyen, J. (2021), Are petrol retailers less responsive to changes in wholesale or crude oil prices when they face lower competition? The case of Greater Sydney, Energy Policy, 153, 112278 (5-Year Impact Factor=5.693). 

Nguyen, J.; Valadkhani, A.; Nguyen, A.; Wake, A. (2021). Press Freedom and the Global Economy: The Cost of Slipping Backwards, Journalism Studies, Accepted 9 Dec 2020.  (Impact Factor=1.044)

, A., Smyth, R. and Nguyen, J. (2019). Effects of primary energy consumption on CO2 emissions under optimal thresholds: Evidence from sixty countries over the last half century, Energy Economics, 80, 680-690 (5-Year Impact Factor=5.79).

Valadkhani, A, Nguyen, J and Bowden, M. (2019), Pathways to reduce CO2 emissions as countries proceed through stages of economic development, Energy Policy, 129, 268-278. (5-Year Impact Factor=5.693).

Valadkhani, A. and Nguyen, J. (2019). Long-run effects of disaggregated renewable and non-renewable energy consumption on real output, Applied Energy, 255, 113796. [Quintile=Q1, 5-Year Impact Factor=9.086].

Valadkhani, A., Nguyen, J. and Smyth, R. (2018), Consumer Electricity and Gas Prices Across Australian Capital Cities: Structural Breaks, Effects of Policy Reforms and Interstate Differences, Energy Economics, 72, 365-375 (5-Year Impact Factor=5.79).

Valadkhani, A. and Smyth, R. (2018) Asymmetric Responses in the Timing, and Magnitude, of Changes in Australian Monthly Petrol Prices to Daily Oil Price Changes, Energy Economics, 69, 89-100 (5-Year Impact Factor=5.79).

Valadkhani, A., Smyth, R., Worthington, A., (2017) Regional Seasonality in Australian House and Apartment Price Returns, Regional Studies, 51(10), 1553-1567 (5-Year Impact Factor=3.304)

Valadkhani, A., and Smyth, R. (2017), How Do Daily Changes in Oil Prices Affect US Monthly Industrial Output? Energy Economics, 67, 83-90 (5-Year Impact Factor=5.79).

Valadkhani, A., and Smyth, R. (2017) Self-Exciting Effects of House Prices on Unit Prices in Australian Capital Cities, Urban Studies, 54(10) 2376–2394 (Impact Factor=2.364)

Valadkhani, A., Roshdi, I. and Smyth, R. (2016) A Multiplicative Environmental DEA approach to measure efficiency changes in the world's major polluters, Energy Economics, 54, 363–375 (5-Year Impact Factor=5.79).

Valadkhani, A., Smyth, R. and Vahid, F. (2015), Asymmetric Pricing of Diesel at Its Source, Energy Economics, 52, 183-194, (5-Year Impact Factor=5.79).

Valadkhani, A. and O'Mahony, B. (2015), Dynamics of Australia's Tourism in a Multimarket Context, Annals of Tourism Research, 55, 173-177. (5-Year Impact Factor=5.544)

Valadkhani, A., Kotey, B., and Chen, G. (2014), Asymmetric Changes in Australia's Small Business Loan Rate, Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal, 43(4), 945-957.  (5-Year Impact Factor=5.377)

Valadkhani, A. (2014), Dynamic Effects of Rising Oil Prices on Consumer Energy Prices in Canada and the United States: Evidence from the Last Half a Century, Energy Economics, 45, 33-44. (5-Year Impact Factor=5.79)

Valadkhani, A. and Babacan, A (2014), Modelling How Much Extra Motorists Pay on the Road? A Cross-Sectional Study of Profit Margins of Unleaded Petrol in Australia, Energy Policy, 69, 179-188. (5-Year Impact Factor=5.693).

Valadkhani, A. (2013), Do Petrol Prices Rise Faster than They Fall When the Market Shows Significant Disequilibria? Energy Economics, 39, 66–80. (5-Year Impact Factor=5.79)

Valadkhani, A., (2013), Seasonal Patterns in Daily Prices of Unleaded Petrol across Australia, Energy Policy, 56, 720-731. (5-Year Impact Factor=5.693).

O’Brien, M., Valadkhani, A. and Townsend, K. (2008), The Australian Labour Market in 2007, Journal of Industrial Relations, 50(3), 383– (Impact Factor=1.719).

O’Brien, M., Valadkhani, A., Waring, P. and Denniss, R. (2007), The Australian Labour Market in 2006, Journal of Industrial Relations, 49(3), 311-236. (Impact Factor=1.719).

ABDC Journal Ranking (A)  or SJR=Q2

    Valadkhani, A. (2023), Asymmetric downside risk across different sectors of the US equity market, Global Finance Journal, Accepted 13 May 2023, ( SJR=Q2, ABDC=A, Impact Factor=2.853). 

    A. (2022) Do Large-Cap Exchange-Traded Funds Perform Better Than Their Small-Cap Counterparts in Extreme Market Conditions?, Global Finance Journal, 53, 100743 [ABDC=A].

    Nguyen, J., Karg, A., Valadkhani, A., McDonald, H. (2022) Predicting Individual Event Attendance with Machine Learning: a 'Step-Forward' Approach, Applied Economics, 54(27), 3138-3153, [ABDC=A. SRA=T2].

    A., Ghazanfari, A. Nguyen, J. and Moradi-Motlagh, A. (2021). The asymmetric effects of COVID19 on wholesale fuel prices in Australia, Economic Analysis and Policy, 71, 255–266. (Impact Factor=1.973)

      Nguyen, J., Valadkhani, A. and Gholamreza Hajargasht, (2021) The Choice Between Renewables and Non-Renewables: Evidence From Electricity Generation in 29 Countries, Energy Journal, 42(6), Accepted 18 October 2020 [Impact Factor=2.456].

      Nguyen, J. and Valadkhani, A., (2020) Dynamic responses of tourism arrivals in Australia to daily currency fluctuations, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45, 71-78 [Impact Factor: 3.415].

      Valadkhani, A., Nguyen, J. and O'Brien, M (2019) Asymmetric Responses of House Prices to Changes in the Mortgage Interest Rate: Evidence From the Australian Capital Cities, Applied Economics, 51(53), 5781-5792.

      Valadkhani, A, Nguyen, J and Hajargasht, G. (2019), Incorporating daily market uncertainty data into a conventional short-run dynamic model: The case of the black-market exchange rate in Iran, Applied Economics, 51(45), 4982-4991.

      Hajargasht, G., Rao, D.S.P. and Valadkhani, A. (2019) Reliability of Basic Heading PPPs, Economics Letters, 180, 102–107 [SRA=Q2, ABDC=A].

      Nguyen, J., Valadkhani, A. and Smyth, R. (2018) Mortgage Product Diversity: Responding to Consumer Demand or Protecting Lender Profit? An Asymmetric Panel Analysis, Applied Economics, 50(43), 4694-4704.

      Valadkhani, A. and O'Mahony, B. (2018), Identifying Structural Changes and Regime Switching in Growing and Declining Inbound Tourism Markets in Australia, Current Issues in Tourism, 21(3), 277–300. (Impact Factor=2.451)

      Hosseinzadeh, A., Smyth, R., Valadkhani, A. and Moradi, A. (2018), What Determines the Efficiency of Australian Mining Companies?, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 62(1), 121–138 (Impact Factor=1.826)

      Hosseinzadeh, A., Smyth, R., Valadkhani, A. and Moradi, A. (2017), What Determines the Efficiency of Australian Mining Companies?, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 62, 121–138 (Impact Factor=1.826)

      Kennedy, T. Smyth, R, Valadkhani, A., Chen, G. (2017), Does income inequality hinder economic growth? New evidence using Australian taxation statistics, Economic Modelling, 65, 119–128 (5-Year Impact Factor=1.573).

      Kennedy, T. Smyth, R, Valadkhani, A., Chen, G. (2017), Refitting the Kuznets Curve Using a Gender-Specific Threshold Model, Applied Economics, 49(19), 1847-54 (Impact Factor=0.613).

      , A., Smyth, R. and O'Mahony, B. (2017), Asymmetric causality between Australian inbound and outbound tourism flows, Applied Economics, 49(1), 33-50 (Impact Factor=0.613).

      Shi, S., Valadkhani, A., Smyth, R. and Vahid, F. (2016), Dating the Timeline of House Price Bubbles in Australian Capital Cities, Economic Record, 92(299), 590–605 (Impact Factor=0.712).

      Valadkhani, A. and Smyth, R. (2016), The Effects of the Motor Vehicle Industry on Employment and Research Innovation in Australia, International Journal of Manpower, 37(4), 684 – 708. (5-Year Impact Factor=1.060).

      Hosseinzadeh, A. Smyth, R, Valadkhani, and Le, V. (2016), Analysing the Efficiency Performance of Major Australian Mining Companies Using Bootstrap Data Envelopment Analysis, Economic Modelling, 57, 26-35 (5-Year Impact Factor=1.573).

      Valadkhani, A. (2015), Okun’s law in Australia, Economic Record, 91(295), 509-522. (Impact Factor=0.92).

      Valadkhani, A. and Smyth, R. (2015), Switching and Asymmetric Behaviour of the Okun Coefficient in the US: Evidence for the 1948-2015 Period, Economic Modelling, 50, 281-290. (5-Year Impact Factor=1.573).

      Valadkhani, A., (2015), Asymmetric Size Dependent Effects of the Output Gap on Inflation: US Evidence from the Last Half a Century, Applied Economics, 47(33), 3525-39. (Impact Factor=0.613).

      Valadkhani, A. and Worthington, A. (2014), Asymmetric Behavior of Australia's Big-4 Banks in the Mortgage Market, Economic Modelling, 43, 57-66. (5-Year Impact Factor=1.573).

      Valadkhani, A. (2014), Switching Impacts of the Output Gap on Inflation: Evidence from Canada, the UK and the US, International Review of Economics and Finance, 33, 270-285. (5-Year Impact Factor=1.363).

      Valadkhani, A. (2014), Analysing Interest Rate Mark-Ups in the Australian Mortgage Market, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 31, 343–361. (Impact Factor=1.237).

      Valadkhani, A. and Bollen, B. (2013), An Alternative Approach to the Modelling of Interest Rate Pass Through and Asymmetric Adjustment, Economics Letters, 120(3), 491–494. (5-Year Impact Factor=0.659).

      Valadkhani, A., (2013), The Pricing Behaviour of Australian Banks and Building Societies in the Residential Mortgage Market, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 26, 133– (5-Year Impact Factor=1.772).

      Valadkhani, A. (2013), Modelling the Terminal Gate Prices of Unleaded Petrol in Australia, Economic Modelling, 33, 233–243. (5-Year Impact Factor=1.573).

      Anwar, S. and Valadkhani, A. (2013), Tourism and the Services Sector Growth in Singapore, Tourism Analysis, 18(1), 103–109.

      Anwar, S., Sun, S. and Valadkhani, A. (2013), International Outsourcing of Skill Intensive Tasks and Wage Inequality, Economic Modelling, 31(2), 590-597. (5-Year Impact Factor=1.573).

      Valadkhani, A., Harvie, C. and Karunanayake, I. (2013), Global Output Growth and Volatility Spillovers, Applied Economics, 45(5), 637– (Impact Factor=0.613).

      Ali, S. Z., Anwar, S. and Valadkhani, A. (2012), Macroeconomic Consequences of Increased Productivity in Less Developed Economies, Economic Modelling, 29(3), 621– (5-Year Impact Factor=1.573).

      Valadkhani, A. and Anwar, S. (2012), Interest Rate Pass Through and the Asymmetric Relationship between the Cash Rate and the Mortgage Rate, Economic Record, 88(282), 341–350 (Impact Factor=0.712).

      Valadkhani, A. and Ville, S. (2010), Ranking and Clustering of the Faculties of Commerce Research Performance in Australia, Applied Economics, 42(22), 2881– (Impact Factor=0.613).

      Rodgers, J. and Valadkhani, A. (2006), A Multi-Dimensional Ranking of Australian Economics Departments, Economic Record, 82(256), 30– (Impact Factor=0.712).

      Valadkhani, A. (2005), GST Effects on Goods and Services Included in the CPI Basket, Economic Record, 81(255), S104– (Impact Factor=0.712).

      Valadkhani, A. (2004), History of Macroeconometric Modelling: Lessons from Past Experience, Journal of Policy Modeling, 26(2), 265-81. (5-Year Impact Factor=1.269).

      Worthington, A. and Valadkhani, A. (2004), Measuring the Impact of Natural Disasters on Capital Markets: An Empirical Application Using Intervention Analysis, Applied Economics, 36(19), 2177– (Impact Factor=0.613).

      Research interests

      Macroeconomic policy; Energy Economics; Fuel pricing; Exchange-traded funds; Downside risk; Investment strategies

      PhD candidate and honours supervision

      Higher degrees by research

      Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

      PhD topics and outlines

      Energy Economics: Non-renewable and renewable energy sources: Studies on the impacts of non-renewable and renewable energy sources on the macroeconomy.

      Investment and Exchange-traded funds: The central bank and financial markets

      Fields of Research

      • Applied Economics - 380100
      • Banking, Finance And Investment - 350200

      Teaching areas



      • 2017, Swinburne, Inaugural Research Impact Award, Swinburne University of Technology
      • 2015, Swinburne, Vice-Chancellor Research Excellence Award, Swinburne University of Technology
      • 2015, Swinburne, Best Publication within the Department of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Swinburne
      • 2010, Other, Faculty of Commerce Outstanding Researcher of the Year: Special Commendation, University of Wollongong
      • 2009, Select, Faculty of Commerce Research Excellence Award, University of Wollongong
      • 2008, Other, Faculty of Commerce Service to Research Award, University of Wollongong
      • 2008, Other, Faculty of Commerce Research Excellence Award, University of Wollongong
      • 2006, Other, Faculty of Commerce Researcher of the Year Award , University of Wollongong
      • 2006, Other, Faculty of Commerce Excellence in Teaching & Learning Award , University of Wollongong
      • 2003, Other, School of Economics and Finance Teaching Award , QUT
      • 2003, Other, Faculty of Business New Teacher Award , QUT


      Also published as: Valadkhani, Abbas; Valadkhani, A.
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