Profile image for Amir Moradi Motlagh

Dr Amir Moradi Motlagh

Lecturer, Accounting


Dr. Moradi holds a PhD in Engineering from Swinburne University of Technology and has developed expertise in mathematical and modelling techniques for efficiency and productivity analysis. Amir also conducts research in the area of sustainability as well as environmental and social performance. He has published high-quality journal articles on efficiency and productivity analysis in various sectors, including universities, banking, and mining. Most of his articles have been published in Q1 and Q2 ranked journals according to the Scimago journal ranking and are including Economic Modelling, Annals of Operations Research, Economic Analysis & Policy, Business Strategy and the Environment, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, Applied Economics Letters, Pacific Accounting Review, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal and Australian Economic Papers.

Amir has successfully supervised a number of PhD candidates to completion and is currently supervising several research students. He has also made contributions to the academic community by reviewing articles for various academic journals, including Economic Record, Annals of Operations Research, International Review of Financial Analysis, Economic Papers, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Pacific Accounting Review, International Journal of Finance and Economics, and journal of Economic Surveys.

His study on the productivity and efficiency analysis of Australian universities has garnered media attention in Australia, with several newspaper articles referencing it, including those in the Australian and Financial Review. He has also presented his research on efficiency and productivity analysis at international conferences in Australia and the United States, such as the 2016 American Accounting Association (AAA) Annual Meeting in New York and the 19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS2011) in Melbourne.

He has secured two competitive research funding grants from the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) as well as the Swinburne Research Institutes, in collaboration with TJ Supply Limited Partnership, the industry partner. Dr. Moradi also possesses over ten years of industry experience, primarily in management consultancy projects focused on productivity improvement and the establishment and auditing of integrated management systems.

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

Fields of Research

  • Accounting, Auditing And Accountability - 350100
  • Applied Economics - 380100
  • Banking, Finance And Investment - 350200

Teaching areas



Also published as: Moradi Motlagh, Amir; Moradi Motlagh, A.; Moradi Motlagh, Amir Hossein; Moradi Motlagh, Amirhossein; Moradi, A.; Moradi, A. H.; Moradi, Amir; Moradi, Amir H.; Moradi-Motlagh, A.; Moradi-Motlagh, A. H.; Moradi-Motlagh, Amir; Moradi‐Motlagh, Amir
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2022: Incorporating ESG, risk, and return preferences in portfolio construction – A non-radial directional distance function approach *; AFAANZ Research Grants
  • 2016: Does integrated reporting improve firm performance? *; AFAANZ Research Grants
  • 2015: Corporate governance and the efficiency of Malaysia’s listed companies *; Melbourne-Sarawak Research Collaboration Scheme
  • 2015: The complexity of Malaysian financial reports and its association with earnings management and corporate efficiency *; Melbourne-Sarawak Research Collaboration Scheme

* Chief Investigator