Profile image for Andriy Pototskyy

Associate Professor Andriy Pototskyy

Associate Professor, Applied Mathematics


2005: PhD in theoretical physics (BTU Cottbus, Germany), 2006-2010: Research Associate (Oxford UK, Loughborough UK), 2010-2013: Lecturer in Applied Mathematics (UCT, Cape Town, SA), joined SUT in September 2013.

Research interests

Mathematical biology; Stochastic processes

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

PhD topics and outlines

Faraday and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities in two-layer liquid films with free upper surface: Study the possibility to stabilize the Rayleigh-Taylor unstable two layer liquid film by means of an external vibration.

Swarming of living bacteria in ultra thin liquid layers: Artificially created layers of living cells have a wide variety of applications in medicine and engineering, serving as prototypes of ”artificial skin”, self-cleaning coatings and biosensors. The aim of this project is to study the properties of thin liquid films in the micrometer range, containing a monolayer of swimming bacteria.


Available to supervise honours students.

Fields of Research

  • Biological Mathematics - 490102
  • Biological Physics - 510501
  • Complex Physical Systems - 519901

Teaching areas


Further information


Also published as: Pototskyy, Andriy; Pototskyy, A.; Pototsky, A.; Pototsky, Andrey; Pototsky, Andriy
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2015: Mathematical Modelling of Soft Matter Liquid Films Loaded with Self-Propelled Particles *; Visiting Researcher Scheme

* Chief Investigator