Profile image for Chengfei Liu

Professor Chengfei Liu

Professor Int Comp


Professor Chengfei Liu is leader of Swinburne’s Web and Data Engineering research group and the focus area leader of Knowledge and Data Intensive Systems in Swinburne’s tier-1 Centre for Computing and Engineering Software Systems (SUCCESS).

Professor Liu’s current research interests include web data management
(keyword queries, uncertain data, query processing, view rewriting, stream data and query relaxation), advanced database systems (big data management, graph data management, keyword searches on graph data, query refinement and data provenance, RDF databases) and workflows (artifact-centric models, web service transactions, collaborative business processes, and business process views).

Prior to joining Swinburne, Professor Liu taught in the School of Computer and Information Science at University of South Australia, the School of Computing Sciences at University of Technology, Sydney, and was a senior research scientist at the Cooperative Research Centre for Distributed Systems Technology (DSTC) at the University of Queensland. He has also held visiting positions at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the University of Aizu in Japan, and the IBM Silicon Valley Lab in the US.

Research interests

Database Systems

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

Teaching areas

Database Systems


Also published as: Liu, Chengfei; Liu, C.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2022: Modelling and Searching Cohesive Groups over Heterogeneous Graphs *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme
  • 2021: ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) *; ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centres
  • 2020: Searching Cohesive Subgraphs in Big Attributed Graph Data *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme
  • 2019: Personalised Online Learning Analytics by Exploring Multilayer Graph Data *; ARC Linkage Projects Scheme
  • 2017: Biclique Discovery in Big Data *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme
  • 2016: Virtual environments for improved enterprise software deployment *; ARC Linkage Projects Scheme

* Chief Investigator

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