Profile image for Dylan Davis

Dr Dylan Davis

Manager, Multimedia Design


Dr Dylan Davis is a design researcher and lecturer. He has extensive experience in design process, community engagement, digital storytelling, interaction design, and audio production and composition. Dylan is also a composer and a musician whose practice covers performance, and production. His NTROs includes works for festivals such as Melbourne Music Week, recordings for a range of international record labels and community based music projects. This research utilises reflective practice to further understand and explore the compositional and performance methods and practices for electronic and electroacoustic music of the techno and acid house genre.

Research interests

Product Diversity, and Productivity Design: Visual Communication and Information; community engagement; design process; digital storytelling; musical notation; musical performance; design methods

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Associate Supervisor.


Available to supervise honours students.

Fields of Research

  • Screen And Digital Media - 360500
  • Design Practice And Methods - 330306
  • Design Management - 330305
  • Music - 360300
  • Performing Arts - 360400
  • Creative And Professional Writing - 360200

Teaching areas

interaction design;experience design;web marketing;audio production;musical performance


  • 2006, Swinburne, Vice Chancellors Award Intersectorial Awards, Swinburne University
  • 2005, Swinburne, Vice Chancellors Award Community Engagement, Swinburne University


Also published as: Davis, Dylan; DyLAB; dyLAB
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2021: Wolf Gold Pty Ltd - Mining website *; Wolf Gold Pty Ltd

* Chief Investigator

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