Profile image for Diane Sivasubramaniam

Associate Professor Diane Sivasubramaniam

Department Chair


Diane Sivasubramaniam was awarded her PhD from the University of New South Wales in 2006. Before moving to Swinburne University, she completed Postdoctoral Fellowships at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and Barnard College, Columbia University, and was an Assistant Professor at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) in Canada. Diane's research focuses on the social psychology of procedural and distributive justice, with applications in restorative justice, jury decision making, and interrogations.

Research interests

Forensic Psychology; Social Psychology

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.


Available to supervise honours students.

Honours topics and outlines

Procedural and distributive justice: Available to supervise Honours projects investigating the social psychology of procedural and distributive justice, with applications in restorative justice, jury decision making, judicial decision making, and interrogations.

Fields of Research

  • Forensic Psychology - 520103
  • Community Psychology - 520501
  • Social Psychology - 520505
  • Social And Affective Neuroscience - 520207


  • 2015, Swinburne, Faculty of Health, Arts and Design Prize for Innovation and Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Assessment , Swinburne University
  • 2004, Other, John Clark Memorial Award in Psychology, Universtiy of New South Wales


Also published as: Sivasubramaniam, Diane; Sivasubramaniam, D.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2022: Activating social connection to address isolation in Australia *; ARC Linkage Projects Scheme
  • 2021: Advancing Cross-Cultural Approaches to Forensic Assessment *; American Psychology‐Law Society Research to Enhance the Impact and Diversification of Psychology & Law Research
  • 2021: Members and Connection *; Australian Red Cross
  • 2020: Proposal to support investigation into humanitarian response following bushfire crisis *; Australian Red Cross
  • 2020: Using a community co-design process to develop non-confrontational anti­-violence campaigns in a rural health service setting *; Rural Northwest Hospital
  • 2019: Best Practice Toolkit for Dealing with Occupational Violence and Aggression in Rural Health Services (The Code Grey Project) *; SmartRuralHealthNetwork_PT
  • 2019: Efficiently Doing Good *; Australian Red Cross
  • 2016: Effective judicial supervision of offender rehabilitation project *; Victorian Legal Services Board Grants Program
  • 2013: Juries and Justice: How do juries deal with inadmissable evidence *; Australasian Institute for Judicial Administration
  • 2012: Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence Interviewing: A comparative analysis of practices and procedures in Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and South Korea *; Charles Sturt University

* Chief Investigator