Profile image for Fatemeh Shahani

Dr Fatemeh Shahani

Adjunct Research Fellow, Centre for Urban Transitions


Fatemeh is an Early Career Researcher who works as a Research Fellow in the Centre for Urban Transition, her research is about migration influences in urban transitions with the focus on sense of place and sense of belonging. She has a PhD in Urban Planning with the focus on the emerging field of religious placemaking and planning for difference and diversity. She has expertise in grappling with interdisciplinary urban theory, community planning, cross-cultural/ inter-cultural relationships and social cohesion.

Before turning to academia, Fatemeh worked as an Urban and Strategic Planner. She gained experience in reviewing and revising the long-term plans which led to amend the policies and making new strategies. Working as a planner contributed to enrich her professional and academic background and to have a better understanding of policies and practices when undertaking research.

Fatemeh worked as a research assistant in the engagement and social cohesion team of Resilient Melbourne in a peri-urban area with high diversity. She is currently working on people-based low-carbon innovations in the urban forms at neighbourhood scales to investigate the role of social cohesion, people and wellbeing in making a new form of urban transitions.  As a researcher, Fatemeh has demonstrated her ability to explore how planning regulations differentially affect communities in the decision-making processes.

Fields of Research

  • Urban And Regional Planning - 330400


Also published as: Shahani, Fatemeh; Shahani, F.
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