Profile image for Hui Hu

Associate Professor Hui Hu

Associate Professor
PhD, Tsinghua University, China


Associate Professor Hui Hu’s research interests are in ultracold quantum atomic gases and statistical mechanics, most recently focusing on problems in topological superfluid states of spin-orbit coupled Fermi gases. His research has made contributions to the theory of quantum liquids, including strongly interacting Fermi gases and Bose-Einstein condensates. His research is mainly supported by the ARC.

Dr Hu received his PhD degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing, in 2001. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at ICTP (Trieste) and SNS (Pisa) from 2001-2004 and was a Chair Professor of AMO physics at Renmin University of China from 2006-2009. In 2016, he was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society (FAPS).

Dr. Hu has published over 180+ peer-reviewed scientific papers including 1 Nature, 1 Science, 2 Nature Physics, 30 Physical Review Letters and 117 Physical Review A or B. These publications have attracted over 6,000+ citations from ISI Web of Science, leading to a Hirsch h-index h=43. For updated metrics, see, 

A collection of publications can also be found in Google Scholar, which typically records higher citations due to its larger database. To date, Dr. Hu has received 8,300+ Google Scholar citations and a Google Scholar h-index of 50 (

Research interests

Ultracold Quantum Gases

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.


Available to supervise honours students.

Fields of Research

  • Degenerate Quantum Gases And Atom Optics - 510801


  • 2016, International, Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), Swinburne University
  • 2013, Swinburne, Vice-Chancellor's Research Excellence Award, Swinburne University
  • 2013, National, ARC Future Fellowship, Swinburne University
  • 2008, National, ARC QEII Fellowship, Swinburne University


Also published as: Hu, Hui; Hu, H.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2024: Big time crystals: a new paradigm in condensed matter *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme
  • 2017: Many-Body Localisation of Ultracold Fermionic Atoms in a Dirty Flat Land *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme
  • 2014: Imbalanced superfluidity with cold atoms: a new way to understand unconventional superconductors and stellar superfluids *; ARC Future Fellowships
  • 2014: Spin-orbit coupled quantum gases: understanding new generation materials with topological order *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme
  • 2012: Thermodynamics and dynamics of ultracold dipolar Fermi gases *; Overseas, Hong Kong & Macao Scholars Collaboration Research Fund
  • 2009: Ultracold atomic Fermi gases in the strongly interacting regime: A new frontier of quantum many-body physics *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme

* Chief Investigator

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