Profile image for Jean Brodie

Jean Brodie

Director, Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing


Professor Brodie is Director, Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing at Swinburne University, and Distinguished Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of California SC. Much of her work makes use of the fossil record embodied in globular star clusters (amongst the oldest radiant objects in the universe) to understand the formation and evolution of galaxies. Although she is primarily an optical/infrared observer with an instrumentation background, she works closely with theorists, particularly in the areas of stellar populations and simulations of galaxy formation in a cosmological context.

Professor Brodie graduated from Imperial College, University of London, with a First Class Honours degree in Physics, leading to a career in trading refined petroleum products on the International Spot market. After completing her PhD in astronomy at Cambrigde University, she was awarded two prestigious post-doctoral research fellowships that she ran consecutively: a Harkness Fellowship at UC Berkeley, and a Chambers Research Fellowship at Girton College, Cambridge University. She returned to Berkeley with a career position in the Research Astronomer series and subsequently joined the faculty at the University of California Observatories, headquartered at Santa Cruz.

Professor Brodie has chaired numerous national and international advisory and scientific governance committees and is the founder and CI of a large successful international research group (SAGES: Study of the Astrophysics of Globular Clusters in Extragalactic Systems).

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

Fields of Research

  • Astronomical Sciences - 510100
  • Space Sciences - 510900


Also published as: Brodie, Jean; Brodie, J.; Brodie, J. P.; Brodie, Jean P.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2023: ARC Centre of Excellence in Optical Microcombs for Breakthrough Science *; ARC Centre of Excellence Scheme
  • 2022: Ultra Diffuse Galaxies: Challenging the galaxy formation paradigm *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme

* Chief Investigator

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