Profile image for Justin Trounson

Dr Justin Trounson

Adjunct Research Fellow
PhD (Clinical Psychology), Swinburne University of Technology, Australia


Dr Justin Trounson is an Adjunct Research Fellow in the National Centre for Reconciliation Practice. He holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology and is a registered Clinical Psychologist with previous experience working as a clinician within maximum-security correctional facilities in Australia and has conducted numerous forensic and clinical psychology research projects within Australia. Justin has lectured in Forensic Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychology of Personality and across the health sciences. His research interests involve conducting applied research that supports the wellbeing and resilience of vulnerable and marginalised groups. This includes research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, prisoners, asylum seekers, people living with disability, at-risk youth, women experiencing domestic violence. Justin also conducts research into workplace wellbeing, exploring ways to foster wellbeing and resilience in employees. This includes researching and developing preventative workplace initiatives for those working in high-risk occupational settings such as corrections, police and firefighters. He undertakes research into the cognitive processes underpinning psychological resilience and wellbeing in clinical, correctional and forensic populations.

Justin was awarded the Vice-Chancellor's Early Career Researcher Award for Research Excellence in 2020. 

Research interests

Clinical Psychology; Forensic Psychology; Social Psychology

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.


Available to supervise honours students.

Fields of Research

  • Applied And Developmental Psychology - 520100
  • Biological Psychology - 520200
  • Clinical And Health Psychology - 520300
  • Cognitive And Computational Psychology - 520400
  • Social And Personality Psychology - 520500

Teaching areas

Clinical Psychology;Forensic Psychology;Social Psychology


  • 2020, Swinburne, VC Award Research Excellence - Early Career, Swinburne University of Technology
  • 2017, Swinburne, Nominated for Excellent Thesis in Psychology Award APS, Swinburne University of Technology
  • 2017, Swinburne, Inaugural Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research Fellowship, Swinburne University of Technology
  • 2013, Swinburne, Student Achievement Award , Swinburne University of Technology


Also published as: Trounson, Justin; Trounson, J.; Trounson, J. S.; Trounson, Justin S.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2023: Photography and Reconciliation: the Ngarrindjeri and the SA Museum *; ARC Linkage Projects Scheme
  • 2021: Pilot of wellbeing training for probation officers *; HM Prison and Probation Service Fund Scheme
  • 2021: Provision of training package design for Community Corrections *; Queensland Corrective Services
  • 2020: Evaluation of New and Enhanced Service Responses to Youth Sexual Violence and Abuse (RFQ) *; Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women (Qld)
  • 2020: Evaluation of the Indigenous Group of Learning *; Monash University
  • 2020: The consideration of culture In pre-sentence reports *; Australian Institute of Criminology Research Grants
  • 2019: 20/20 Draft Project Concept Phase *; Department of Justice and Community Safety (Vic)
  • 2019: Building Strong Communities with Good Governance *; Marra Worra Worra
  • 2019: Evaluation of the YSS/AYSS (Youth Support Service/Aboriginal Youth Support Service Evaluation Requirements) *; Department of Justice and Community Safety (Vic)
  • 2015: Evaluation Services - Smoke Free Prisons Project *; Department of Justice (Vic)

* Chief Investigator

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