Profile image for Kelvin (Shiu Fung) Wong

Dr Kelvin (Shiu Fung) Wong

Senior Lecturer


I am a clinical psychologist with expertise in experimental psychopathology. I am particularly interested in studying psychological disorders such as obsessive-compulsive and related disorders (OCRDs), mood disorders, and anxiety disorders.

Across these disorders, my research aims to:
1. Use qualitative and quantitative methods to identify possible causal and maintaining factors of symptoms:
- Develop and validate tools to measure these factors

2. Use experimental and longitudinal designs to determine whether these factors cause and/or maintain symptoms

3. Develop and evaluate treatment and prevention strategies that:
- Target established causal and maintaining factors
- Use new technologies such as virtual reality

Research interests

Clinical Psychology

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

PhD topics and outlines

Examining the efficacy and mechanisms underlying pet-assisted therapy for psychological disorders: Can also be a Masters research topic.

Open topic: Causal mechanisms underlying obsessive-compulsive and related disorders: For PhD (or Masters) students interested in understanding the causal mechanisms underlying obsessive-compulsive and related disorders. Specific topic determined through initial supervision meetings.

Testing the use of mixed reality in exposure therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder: Can also be a Masters research topic. The student will be asked to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of a mixed reality application for treating contamination-related obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Understanding the mechanisms underlying Animal Assisted Therapy for psychological disorders: Can also be a Masters research topic. The student will be asked to develop a protocol for animal assisted group-based CBT for panic disorder. We will be evaluating the efficacy of this treatment for reducing symptoms as well as understanding the mechanisms underlying these changes.


Available to supervise honours students.

Honours topics and outlines

Open topic: Causal mechanisms underlying obsessive-compulsive and related disorders: For Honours students interested in understanding the causal mechanisms underlying obsessive-compulsive and related disorders. Prospective students will use quantitative or qualitative approaches in their investigation. Specific topic determined through initial supervision meetings.

Fields of Research

  • Clinical Psychology - 520302

Teaching areas

Clinical Psychology


  • 2021, National, Vice-Chancellor's Subject of Excellence Award, La Trobe University
  • 2019, International, Post-Doctoral Training Award, Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé
  • 2017, International, Horizon Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Concordia University
  • 2017, National, Combined Masters/PhD Psychology Student Prize, UNSW Sydney
  • 2013, National, Australian Postgraduate Award, Australian Government

Professional memberships

  • 2022 (current): Member, Australian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, Australia
  • 2022 (current): Member, Australian Clinical Psychology Association, Australia


Also published as: Wong, Kelvin; Wong, K.; Wong, Shiu Fung; Wong, S.; Wong, Kelvin (Shui Fung); Wong, S. F.; Wong, Shiu (Kelvin); Wong, Shiu F.; Wong, Shiu Fung (Kelvin); Wong, Shiufung; Wong, Shiufung (Kelvin)
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