Profile image for Kelly Gourdji

Dr Kelly Gourdji

Postdoctoral Researcher


I'm a postdoctoral researcher working on radio observations of gravitational wave merger events and fast radio bursts. I obtained my PhD in 2021 at the University of Amsterdam with my thesis entitled: "Fast radio bursts and the radio counterparts of neutron star mergers".

At CAS/OzGrav, I use (very long baseline) interferometric radio observations to study the high-energy ejecta from colliding neutron stars. I also lead the LOFAR follow-up effort of gravitational wave merger events. I am also involved in various FRB projects. 

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Co-Supervisor.


Also published as: Gourdji, Kelly; Gourdji, K.
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