Profile image for Kitty Janssen

Dr Kitty Janssen

STEM lecturer, Assessment Lead


Kitty Janssen is currently a STEM lecturer, Assessment Lead and LANTITE Support Coordinator for the Department of Education at Swinburne University of Technology. She is also the Academic Integrity Advisor for the school. From 2017 to 2022, Kitty supported students at Monash University to develop their literacy and numeracy skills for the literacy and numeracy test for initial teacher educators (LANTITE). She is the co-founder of the LANTITE Community of Practice, which aims to bring together support services from over twenty universities. As part of the LANTITE CoP, she has developed and validated additional LANTITE practice tests using Rasch analysis. Kitty has a PhD in Education along with her teaching qualifications and Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree.

Kitty is an early career researcher whose current research focuses on the implications of the recent evolution of generative articificial intelligence (genAI) on education. More specifically, she aims to capture teacher's voices to co-construct professional development using a strengths-based approach for navigating a smooth transition in the appropriate, effective and ethical use of genAI by educators and students. Kitty takes a pragmatic approach to her research and uses a variety of frameworks and methodologies. Prior to her interest in genAI, Kitty's research centred around the implications of technology on education from a health perspective (namely adolescent sleep). For her PhD, she specialised in using salutogensis, a strengths-based approach, and using Rasch analysis for instrument development. 

Prior to entering academia, Kitty enjoyed teaching students in a variety of STEM, literacy and numeracy subjects. As a teacher with more than 20 years experience, she has worked in a large range of year levels, from primary to tertiary. The majority of her experience lies in teaching secondary science, and adult literacy and numeracy. 


Research interests

technology; education

Fields of Research

  • Educational Technology And Computing - 390405
  • Teacher Education And Professional Development Of Educators - 390307
  • Education Assessment And Evaluation - 390402

Teaching areas



Also published as: Janssen, Kitty; Janssen, K.; Janssen, K. C.; Janssen, Kitty C.; Janssen, Kitty Catharina
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