Profile image for Mark Freeman

Dr Mark Freeman



Mark Freeman is a lecturer in the Department of Film and Animation at Swinburne University, where he teaches and convenes a range of film theory classes. He has published widely in film journals such as Senses of Cinema, Metro, and Screening the Past, and published commissioned articles through publications such as If Magazine, Metro Screen Education and Insight. He was also commissioned by Madman Entertainment to deliver the DVD commentary for their release of Rainer Werner Fassbinder's Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (Angst Essen Seele Auf) in 2009. Mark completed a Bachelor of Education through the University of Melbourne, and attained an MA at LaTrobe University, where his thesis explored the appropriation of the American slacker genre by the Australian film industry. He completed his PhD at LaTrobe in 2013 with his doctoral thesis entitled: "The Cinema Network: Transforming National Cinema in the Postnational Age". This research explored the impact of virtual, globalising technologies on concepts of national cinema, with particular focus on issues of exhibition, narrative and aesthetics. His latest publication will be a chapter in The Films of Elaine May to be published by Edinburgh UP in 2019, edited by Alexandra Heller-Nicholas and Dean Brandum. He is also an editor at the film journal Senses of Cinema and the producer and host of the Senses of Cinema podcast.

Research interests

Digital Media, Film and Television; Postnational Cinema; Genre; Australian Cinema; National Cinemas; Hollywood; Melodrama; Horror; Reality Television

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

PhD topics and outlines

Film and Television Genre: Genre specific studies, genre revisionism, genre spectatorship, genre narrative and aesthetics.

Film and Television Narrative: Narratology, classical and post classical narrative forms, multi-strand/non linear/modernist construction, representation of nationhood/gender/class in narration.

Hollywood Cinema: Industrial, historical, aesthetic movements within Hollywood. Censorship, pre-Code Hollywood, gender and race. Blockbuster, high concept and spectacular cinema.

National and Postnational Cinemas: Nation-specific national cinemas, cinema and nationalism, foundation mythologies, landscape in cinema. Postnational and global narrative and aesthetic movements, cinema networks, national and postnational exhibition modes.


Available to supervise honours students.

Teaching areas

Genre;Australian Film;Australian Television;Hollywood Cinema


Also published as: Freeman, Mark; Freeman, M.
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