Profile image for Mrinal Bhave

Professor Mrinal Bhave

Department Chair, Chemistry and Biotechnology


Mrinal obtained her PhD from the University of Poona in Pune, India, followed by post-doctoral positions at the National Institute of Health (USA) and University of Florida. Her experience also includes research posts with the Murdoch Institute of the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne and Pitman-Moore Australia, after which she joined Victoria University as a teachign and research academic. She joined Swinburne University in 2002, where her current research activities are focused on addressing agricultural and environmental issues applying molecular biology, biochemistry and biotechnology techniques.

Research interests

Biotechnology; Cell Biology and Biochemistry; Molecular Biology

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

Fields of Research

  • Biochemistry And Cell Biology - 310100
  • Agricultural Biotechnology - 300100
  • Genetics - 310500

Teaching areas

Biotechnology;Cell Biology and Biochemistry;Molecular Biology


Also published as: Bhave, Mrinal; Bhave, M.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2022: Detection of tau proteins associated with neurodegenerative dementia using a novel nanobiosensor platform *; Barbara Dicker Brain Science grant
  • 2021: Multiplexed surface signals to inhibit mixed bacterial biofilm formation *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme
  • 2020: Investigating the mode of action of antimicrobial peptides *; Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation
  • 2020: Small/wide angle X-ray scattering - Swinburne preferred access - SAXS *; Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation
  • 2019: Structural interactions between puroindolines and lipid membranes using small angle scattering techniques *; Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation
  • 2014: Embassy of Libya Canberra’s donation in support of research project of PhD student *; Embassy of Libya Canberra
  • 2013: Testing the nutraceutical effects of vitamin E components isolated from rice and barley in a model cell line, for cardiovascular health benefits. *; Melbourne-Sarawak Research Collaboration Scheme
  • 2008: Molecular analysis of the GSP and puroindoline genes, related to grain hardness and antimicrobial properties in cereals (GRDC scholarship) *; Grains Research & Development Corporation

* Chief Investigator

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