Profile image for Nikola Djurkovic

Dr Nikola Djurkovic

Senior Lecturer, HRM and Organisation Studies


Nik joined Swinburne as a Senior Lecturer in July 2010, having previously spent several years as a Lecturer and Teaching Fellow at La Trobe University. Nik successfully completed his PhD in 2004. The thesis was an examination of workplace behaviour and staff interactions in the Victorian secondary school system. Nik has published in leading academic journals and has presented his research at several international conferences.

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

PhD topics and outlines

Human Resource Management

Organisational Behaviour

Workplace behaviours (e.g., bullying)

Fields of Research

  • Business Systems In Context - 350300
  • Other Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services - 359900


Also published as: Djurkovic, Nikola; Djurkovic, N.; Djurkovic, Nick
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2021: Forensicare Cultural Reform Evaluation *; Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health
  • 2011: Apprentice/Trainee Bullying and Harassment *; WorkSafe Victoria

* Chief Investigator

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