Profile image for Pantea Alambeigi

Dr Pantea Alambeigi

Lecturer in Architecture


Dr Pantea Alambeigi, is a lecturer in architecture at the Swinburne University of Technology. Her research focuses on "Architectural Acoustics" and the mutual interaction of human perception of sound and the built environment. She touches on architecture in a multisensory approach and studies the mutual impact of human perception of a built environment and the design performance. Her interdisciplinary research explores and extends the concept of “Seamless Architecture” through computational data-driven design and integrates the architectural emerging technologies and environmental parameters with human behaviour and spatial perception to inform and transform the strategies of a performance-driven design.

Pantea has taught and practiced architecture for many years locally and internationally and has published in architectural journals and peer-reviewed conferences in architecture and sustainable design. She was granted the best paper award in 21st International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) in 2016. Her research spans the fields of architectural acoustics, sustainability, and daylighting and academically she teaches both undergraduate and graduate-level courses in design studios, construction and sustainability, digital documentation, and parametric modelling.  

Research interests

Architectural Acoustics; Human interaction with built environment; Daylighting; Sustainability

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Co-Supervisor.


Available to supervise honours students.

Teaching areas

Architectural Design;Computational Design;Architectural Acoustics;Sustainability


Also published as: Alambeigi, Pantea; Alambeigi, P.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2024: ARC Training Centre for Next-Gen Architectural Manufacturing *; ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centres
  • 2023: Enhancing Sustainable Design: Performance Assessment of Cold-Formed Steel Framed Brick-Veneer Residential Houses Under Wind Loads *; National Association of Steel-framed Housing Inc.

* Chief Investigator

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