Profile image for Rowan Bedggood

Dr Rowan Bedggood

Senior Lecturer, Marketing


Rowan has extensive experience in the Marketing discipline with over 18 years teaching in universities. In 2010, she won the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, and also the Vice Chancellors Teaching Excellence award. Her areas of teaching experience include Marketing Principles, Consumer Behaviour, Marketing Research, Competitive Advantage, Services Marketing and Social Marketing. She also teaches a unit in the Faculty Honours program: Critical Evaluation in Research. Rowan completed her Honours in Marketing in 1996, investigating the usefulness and content of Teaching Evaluation Surveys and their impact on student satisfaction and learning. She completed her PhD in 2007 which was titled: "The Effect of Stress on Student Satisfaction and Performance" in University Education which involved a large, longitudinal, quantitative study. Rowan has experience supervising research students in the areas of: Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Marketing, Communications, Consumer Behaviour (personality and consumer socialisation), Work-place Flexibility and Student Engagement. She also has industry experience within the banking sector and as a manager in the hospitality industry.

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

Fields of Research

  • Business Systems In Context - 350300
  • Marketing - 350600
  • Other Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services - 359900


Also published as: Bedggood, Rowan; Bedggood, R.; Bedggood, R. E.; Bedggood, Rowan E.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2023: Energy Equity Work Program - Phase 3 *; Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (Cwlth)
  • 2022: Energy Equity Work Program - Phase 2 (EEWP-P2) *; Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (Cwlth)
  • 2021: A Long-Term Approach to Improving Home Energy Support Programs for Households Facing Vulnerability *; Energy Consumers Australia
  • 2020: Assessing Energy Inequity and the Distributional Effects of Energy Policies *; Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (Cwlth)
  • 2019: Building Strong Communities with Good Governance *; Marra Worra Worra
  • 2019: Project Power Shift 3.7 *; Energy Consumers Australia
  • 2016: Supporting Aboriginal Economic Growth and Development *; Marra Worra Worra
  • 2013: Investigating ways of supporting the operations of a remote indigenous non-government organisation: Designing business processes which suitably uphold local culture and lore *; Marra Worra Worra

* Chief Investigator

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