Profile image for Ruth Bridgstock

Professor Ruth Bridgstock

Director, Employability
  • Chancellery
  • Office of Education, Experience & Employability


Professor Ruth Bridgstock ALTF PFHEA is an internationally recognised researcher in graduate employability, education for the future of life and work, and authentic curriculum and pedagogy. Her particular research expertise and interests relate to fostering future-capability – that is, how students, educators and educational institutions can learn and adapt to rapid and ongoing digital, social, and environmental changes in the 21st century. Ruth's current research interests are focussed on future-capable curriculum, learning and identity development through social networks, interdisciplinary pedagogies, and fostering effective learning partnerships with industry and community

Ruth is Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, TEQSA Expert, AAUT Award winner, and Australian National Senior Teaching Fellow for Graduate Employability 2.0. Her success in Australian competitive grants (including ARC schemes), industry and public sector funding has translated into more than 70 educational research outputs, with more than 4,000 citations. Her latest books include 'Higher Education and the Future of Graduate Employability' (Edward Elgar), and 'Creative Graduate Pathways Within and Beyond the Creative Industries' (Routledge). She authored the second-most read and cited article in Australia's Q1 Higher Education journal Higher Education Research and Development, 'The Graduate Attributes We've Overlooked: Enhancing Graduate Employability Through Career Management Skills'.

Research interests

Education; Graduate Employability; Future of Work; Graduate Attributes; Work Integrated Learning; Interdisciplinarity; Innovation capabilities; Social Networks; Career Development Learning; Metacognition; Authentic Learning

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.


Also published as: Bridgstock, Ruth; Bridgstock, R.
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