Profile image for Roshanthi Dias

Dr Roshanthi Dias

Major Discipline Coordinator (Finance); Lecturer, Finance


Dr. Roshanthi Dias is the Major Discipline Leader of Finance and Lecturer in Finance at Swinburne University of Technology. She has completed her PhD in Finance for which she has received a scholarship (Swinburne University Chancellors Postgraduate Research Award) from Swinburne University. She has completed a Master of Business Administration (Finance) from Swinburne University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Banking and Finance from the University of London (London School of Economics). In industry, Roshanthi has worked in the area of equity research in brokerage/investment banking and in foreign direct investment. Her research focuses on risk-taking practices of banks. Central to her work is the role of capital regulation in providing incentives for risk-taking and how financial innovation (i.e. credit default swaps) informs the capital regulation and bank risk-taking.  Her primary research interests include Banking/Regulation, Credit Default Swaps, ESG and Financial Markets.

Research interests

Banking/Regulation, Risk Management, Credit Default Swaps, ESG and Financial Markets

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

Fields of Research

  • Banking, Finance And Investment - 350200

Teaching areas

Derivatives, Risk Management & Fixed Income Securities


  • 2024, Swinburne, Adobe Innovation Grant Winner, Swinburne University of Technology
  • 2022, Swinburne, Teaching Excellence Award (Team), Swinburne University of Technology
  • 2016, Swinburne, Best Publication - Early Career Researcher (Accounting, Economics & Finance), Swinburne University of Technology
  • 2008, Swinburne, Swinburne University Chancellor's Postgraduate Research Award, Swinburne University of Technology


Also published as: Dias, Roshanthi; Dias, R.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2022: Incorporating ESG, risk, and return preferences in portfolio construction – A non-radial directional distance function approach *; AFAANZ Research Grants
  • 2014: Capital Regulation and Bank Risk-Taking *; AFAANZ Research Grants
  • 2013: End-of-life options for waste paint in Australia *; Sustainability Victoria

* Chief Investigator

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