Profile image for Simone Buzwell

Dr Simone Buzwell

Senior Lecturer, Psychology


Dr Simone Buzwell is an academic psychologist who has worked in the areas of health and developmental psychology for more than 20 years. Her specialties include the areas of sexuality and sexual behaviour, adolescence and chronic disease.  Dr Buzwell also spent a number of years as an Associate Dean during which she engaged in research into Higher Education- including being the project leader of an OLT grant named: 'Valuing Student Voices when Exploring, Creating and Planning for the Future of Australian Higher Education'  with colleagues from the University of Technology, Sydney. 
Her current projects include an AMSI funded project to develop a screening tool for cosmetic clinicians to ensure their clients will not be harmed by the procedures and a project examining issues of pleasure and protection in young adult Australian romantic relationships.

Research interests

Health Psychology; Sexuality and Sexual Behaviour

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

PhD topics and outlines

As above


Available to supervise honours students.

Honours topics and outlines

Are cosmetic proceedures positive or negative for those with BDD tendancies? : Individuals with Body Dysmorphic Disorder [BDD] often engage in cosmetic proceedures to 'fix' their perceived problem. Does this work for those with mild BDD?

Determing who is suitable for cosmetic procedures: Australians enage in more cosmetic procedures than any other country. For those who are not suitable due to psychological concerns- how to do you provide  this information and strategies for assistance?

Protection and Pleasure in Young Adult Hook-ups: An examination of factors that contribute to both pleasure and protection of young Austalian adults when are engaging in casual sexual encounters

The importance of female sexual pleasure: Very little consideration has been given to whether female  pleasure is a desired outcome of young adults' sexual encounters and what role this factor may in their contraceptive choces and other aspects of the encounter.

Fields of Research

  • Curriculum And Pedagogy - 390100
  • Applied And Developmental Psychology - 520100
  • Biological Psychology - 520200
  • Clinical And Health Psychology - 520300
  • Cognitive And Computational Psychology - 520400
  • Social And Personality Psychology - 520500

Teaching areas

Health Psychology;Psychology


Also published as: Buzwell, Simone; Buzwell, S.; Buzwell, Simone A.
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Recent research grants awarded


* Chief Investigator