Profile image for Shirley Gato-Trinidad

Associate Professor Shirley Gato-Trinidad

Associate Professor/Associate Dean Education


Associate Professor Shirley Gato-Trinidad is currently the Associate Dean, Education in the School of Engineering at Swinburne University of Technology. Shirley's research interests are in water resources engineering and management, urban water demand modelling, and green infrastructures including but not limited to constructed wetlands, and rainwater tanks. Prior to joining Swinburne University of Technology, Shirley has more than 15 years’ experience working in the water industry, in different government and engineering consulting organisations in Australia, Thailand and the Philippines. Shirley has been with Swinburne University of Technology for more than 15 years in varying roles including as Associate Professor; Associate Dean of Education; Deputy Department Chair for Civil and Construction Engineering; and as Course Coordinator for Undergraduate Civil Engineering. Shirley has supervised a number of PhD; Masters; and Bachelor Honors students to completion and published several papers in high quality journals and presented in peer-reviewed conferences. Shirley has been invited as External Examiners of PhD and master’s Theses; as Guest Editors of Special Journal Issues; as Conferences’ Committee member; and as reviewer of high-quality journals and peer-reviewed conferences.

Research interests

Sustainable Urban Water Systems; Water Resource Engineering; Water Resource Modelling; Water Demand Analysis and Modelling; Constructed Wetlands Sampling, Analysis and Modelling; flood mitigation; green infrastructures

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

PhD topics and outlines

A GIS Approach to an End-use Augmented Modelling of Zone Residential Water Demand: Water resources is limited thus, there is an urgent need to find ways of saving, reusing and recycling water and to develop methodologies to improve water resource management. This research aims to demonstrate an urban scale residential water demand modelling approach within a geographic information system that accounts for both the spatial and temporal characteristics of water demand.

Characterising Urban Demand through Panel Data Analysis: Water demand forecasting is the primary requirement for managing and planning of water supply systems. Many water utilities assume that demand is simply a product of per-capita demand and a population projection which is inadequate under changing conditions. It is recognized that for reliable demand forecast, it is important to evaluate, understand, and model the factors that influence water use.

Establishing relationship between peaking factors and maximum demand: The design of water and wastewater supply systems is traditionally based on maximum water demand which is a function of multiple factors. Understanding these factors and how these affect maximum water demand will lead to the estimation of appropriate peak design factors for a more cost effective design of water and wastewater supply systems. 

Impact of Urban Densification on Water Resources management: Population in the world is growing at a rate of around 0.91% per year in 2024 or an estimate of around 73 million people per year. This would consequently result to urban expansion or densification which would impact the way water supply systems are planned, designed and managed. This research aims to develop a decision support system to sustain liveable urban cities. 

Integration of household rainwater tanks in urban water management: The current focus on rainwater tanks are on savings, reliability & effective sizing. However, some of these studies are conducted hypothetically or based on limited available data. While previous researches show that water savings can be achieved, the effects on peaking factors for water supply system design & on peak flow rates & overland flows for flood mitigation have not been much studied

Operational optimization of Multiple source water supply systems using improved genetic alogrithm models: The progressive integration of alternative sources to existing water supply systems has generated the requirement to develop operational optimization models for multi-source water supply systems; examine & improve optimization methods; evaluate the potential applicability of novel optimization methods & further develop existing models to be able to handle large scale systems & uncertainties.


Available to supervise honours students.

Fields of Research

  • Water Resources Engineering - 400513
  • Surface Water Hydrology - 370704
  • Wastewater Treatment Processes - 400410

Teaching areas

Sustainable Urban Water Systems;Water Resource Engineering


  • 2019, Swinburne, FSET Travel Award, Swinburne

Professional memberships

  • 2019 (current): Editor, Journal of Desalination and Water Purification, Select Country/Region
  • 2019 (current): Committee Member, AQPC (Academic Policy and Quality Committee)-Swinburne University of technology, Australia
  • 2019 (current): Committee Member, ICWREE2019 International Conference on Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Singapore
  • 2019 (current): Board Member, 23rd World Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and technology, Australia
  • 2014 (current): Committee Member, FAC (Faculty Advisory Comittee)-Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
  • 2020 - 2021: Board Member, Environmental College - Engineers Australia, Australia
  • 2008 (current): Member, Engineers Australia, Australia
  • 2008 (current): Reviewer, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Select Country/Region
  • 1999 (current): Member, Australian Water Association, Australia
  • 2003 (current): Reviewer, Water Resources Research, Select Country/Region
  • 2009 (current): Reviewer, Water and Science Technology, Select Country/Region
  • 2009 (current): Reviewer, OZWater09, Australia
  • 2010 (current): Reviewer, OZWater10, Australia
  • 2010 (current): Reviewer, 7th Biennial World Water Congress, Canada
  • 2009 (current): Reviewer, WSUD09 Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference, Australia


Also published as: Gato-Trinidad, Shirley; Gato-Trinidad, S.; Gato, Shirley; Trinidad, S. G.; Trinidad, Shirley; Trinidad, Shirley G.; Trinidad, Shirley Gato
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2017: Australian Rainwater Tank Design for Households/Schools in the Philippines *; DFAT Australia-ASEAN Council

* Chief Investigator

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