Profile image for Sam Meure

Dr Sam Meure

Space Manufacturing Industry Fellow


As a Senior Research Fellow for the Space Technology and Industry Institute, I am working in collaboration with commercial partners and the Swinburne University Team to help build Australia’s capability in space vehicle design and manufacturing. After working as a Production Support Lead and Senior Researcher in the Aerospace Industry for 12 years, I am excited to be developing new Fibre Reinforced Composite technologies for Australia’s fast paced Space Sector.

In collaboration with the Space Institute’s existing materials, systems, and analytical capabilities; I am focused on building regional capability in carbon-based composite materials and fabrication processes. Leveraging over 10 years of working with resin infusion and pre-impregnated carbon processing within an Aerospace Original Equipment Manufacturer, I work to drive value-add composite technologies from conception through qualification and into commercial implementation. I use systematic approaches to the validation of materials and processes against regulatory and design requirements to support the progress of novel technologies through the Technology and Manufacturing Readiness Levels. My goal is to help Australian industry partners deliver value into the global space vehicle sector.

Alongside my efforts at Swinburne, I have spent the last 4 years working with the Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering (SAMPE) to help connect STEM talent and manufacturing capability around the globe. I have engaged with SAMPE-North America (whilst working in Charleston, USA), SAMPE-Japan (whilst working in Nagoya, Japan) and SAMPE-Australia to connect researchers, government bodies and industry representatives who can benefit from advances in Materials and Process Technologies. Through this engagement I have enjoyed helping develop Australia’s next generation of Materials and Process Engineering talent had the chance to work in cross-functional teams who have “robust” discussions on what best practice might look like today and in 20 years.

Research interests

Materials Science; High Impact Materials Testing; High Temperature Materials Processing; Manufacturing Porcesses; Non-Contact Inspection and Non-Destructive Testing

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

Fields of Research

  • Composite And Hybrid Materials - 401602
  • Manufacturing Processes And Technologies (excl. Textiles) - 401408
  • Polymers And Plastics - 401609


Also published as: Meure, Sam; Meure, S.; Meure, Samuel
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2024: Spraying of 2 elliptical combustor halves *; HYPERSONIX FUND SCHEME
  • 2023: ASMN Repair Project Top Collaboration *; ROSEBANK ENGINEERING PTY LTD FUND SCHEME
  • 2023: Australian Space Manufacturing Network (ASMN) *; Modern Manufacturing Initiative - Manufacturing Collaboration Stream
  • 2023: Bespoke Additive Manufactured Load Bearing Structures With Advanced Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBCs) and Thermal Protection Systems (TPSs) *; Defence Materials Technology Centre (DMTC Limited)

* Chief Investigator

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