Profile image for Sharon Parkinson

Associate Professor Sharon Parkinson

Associate Professor
PhD Urban Studies, RMIT, Australia

Research interests

Housing and Urban Studies; Digital Equity; Social and Spatial Equity

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Associate Supervisor.

Fields of Research

  • Urban And Regional Planning - 330400
  • Human Geography - 440600
  • Urban Sociology And Community Studies - 441016

Teaching areas

Housing and Urban Studies


  • 2016, Swinburne, Vice Chancellor's Research Excellence Award, Swinburne University of Technology
  • 2011, National, AHURI Postdoctoral Fellowship, Australian Housing & Urban Research Institute


Also published as: Parkinson, Sharon; Parkinson, S.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2023: Australian Digital Inclusion Index *; Telstra Digital Inclusion Index
  • 2023: Australian Digital Inclusion Index (ADII) analysis Victoria *; Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (Vic)
  • 2023: FY22-493 Digital Inclusion Research Project. Assessing the social and economic impacts of digital infrastructure investment (stage 1) *; Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (Vic)
  • 2023: The changing geography of homelessness in Australia (2001-2021) and its structural drivers *; Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Fund Scheme
  • 2022: AHURi - Changes in supply/demand for affordable housing in the private rental sector, 2016–2021 *; Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Fund Scheme
  • 2022: Australian Data Maturity Assessment *; The Paul Ramsay Foundation
  • 2022: Expanding ADII Data Queensland *; Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)
  • 2022: FY22-493 Digital Inclusion Research Project. (Digital Inclusion) Gov Ref: JPR1026393 (Project 1) *; Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (Vic)
  • 2022: FY22-493 Digital Inclusion Research Project. (Public Wi-Fi) Gov Ref: JPR1026393-Project 2 *; Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (Vic)
  • 2022: Investigative Panel on understanding poverty in Australian housing Intended start *; Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Fund Scheme
  • 2022: RFQ: Digital Equity and Inclusion Program- Discover Phase - PROC1808 *; Department of Planning, Industry & Environment (NSW)
  • 2021: Collaborative data analytics exploring family safety outcomes *; Department of Health and Human Services (Vic)
  • 2021: Evaluation of the Homes Victoria Rental Relief Grant *; Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (Vic)
  • 2021: Measuring and Monitoring Digital Inclusion *; Good Things Foundation
  • 2021: Regulation of residential tenancies and impacts on investment in changing rental markets *; AHURI National Housing Research Program - Research Projects
  • 2020: Australian Digital Inclusion Index 2020-2023 *; Telstra Digital Inclusion Index
  • 2019: Agglomeration effects and housing market dynamics *; Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Fund Scheme
  • 2018: Changes in the supply of affordable rental housin in Australian cities, 2011-2016 *; AHURI National Housing Research Program - Research Projects
  • 2018: Understanding the changing geography of homelessness in Australia (2001-2016) *; AHURI National Housing Research Program - Research Projects
  • 2017: Older Australians and the housing aspirations gap *; Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Fund Scheme
  • 2016: Improving outcomes for lower-income private renter households: opportunities and challenges *; AHURI National Housing Research Program - Research Projects
  • 2016: Toward a capabilities approach in housing and homelessness service delivery: recent developments and their implications *; Brotherhood of St Laurence Fund Scheme
  • 2015: Housing Tenure, mobility and the labour market adjustments *; AHURI National Housing Research Program - Research Projects

* Chief Investigator

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