Profile image for Stephen Bird

Professor Stephen Bird

Head of Exercise and Sport Science


Teaching experience

Professor Bird is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP) with over 35 years of experience teaching universities in the UK and Australia. His expertise is in the areas of exercise physiology and health enhancing physical activity, exercise and ageing, as well as formerly in the field of elite sport. He has been the external examiner for undergraduate, postgraduate and research degrees in more than 20 Universities.


Research profile

Professor Bird has authored seven books as well as ten contributing chapters to others. In addition to his research publications, which number around 100, he has authored over 100 magazine articles in the field of exercise, health and sport, as well as advising national bodies. His research has encompassed a broad range of health, sport and physical activity topics. These have included:

  • the benefits of walking programs in reducing the risks of cardiovascular disease;
  • resistance training for older people;
  • coronary rehabilitation
  • promoting physical activity for the prevention and amelioration of chronic disease, including diabetes.
  • the effects of ergogenics (caffeine and bicarbonate),
  • doping in sport,
  • the older athlete,
  • injury prevention,
  • nutrition, and dietary manipulations.


Industry experience

He has broad industry experience across the field of exercise science encompassing work with coronary rehabilitation programs, health promoting physical activity and elite sport. He has held positions for national bodies in both the UK and Australia, and his work has led him to be recognised with awards including being made a Fellow of several international organisations.

His formal appointments have included:

  • Director of a regional sport science support centre, preparing athletes for major competitions, including the Olympics.
  • Exercise Physiologist and fitness coach for national sports teams.
  • National anti-doping programs
  • Exercise Physiologist for the UK Health Education Authority programs 'Look After Yourself' and 'Look After Your Heart'.
  • Director of a Centre for Population Health in the Victorian Health/Hospital sector, which included working with the Hospital Admissions Risk Program (HARP) for the reduction of hospital admissions of patients with chronic diseases, such as COPD, CHD and diabetes.
  • and has also been a member of the accrediting bodies for Exercise and Sport in both the UK and Australia.

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

Fields of Research

  • Sports Science And Exercise - 420700


Also published as: Bird, Stephen; Bird, S.; Bird, S. R.; Bird, Stephen R.; Bird, Stephen Richard
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