Profile image for Shivani Tyagi

Dr Shivani Tyagi

Lecturer in Communication Design


Dr Shivani Tyagi is a designer, researcher, and educator at the School of Design and Architecture, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. Shivani specializes in evidence-based design practice and research translation, particularly digital technology. Shivani is highly experienced in cross-disciplinary research collaboration; she has collaborated on funded government and industry research projects focused on developing health interventions, digital health technology, and digital process management. Shivani supervises Masters, and PhD candidates interested in developing evidence-based design solutions. Shivani also convenes and teaches design and research units in the Bachelor of Design and Bachelor of Communication Design Honours programs. 

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.


Available to supervise honours students.


Also published as: Tyagi, Shivani; Tyagi, S.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2024: Exploration of AI-Driven Carbon Emission Estimation: Integrating Consumer Behavioural Patterns and Merchant Profiles *; SPV FINTECH PTY LTD (SPHERE FOR GOOD HOLDINGS)_FUND SCHEME
  • 2023: An Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) data capture and traceability solution for digital twin driven product quality improvement *; EZYCHEF FUND SCHEME
  • 2022: Go Against the Flow website audit and social media content review *; Continence Foundation Fund Scheme
  • 2022: Improving work-related road safety on mega infrastructure projects via effective behaviour change communication design strategies *; Monash University
  • 2022: “GENIE”: A virtual clinical platform empowering equitable access to optimal care for individuals living with genetic disorders *; Digital Health CRC
  • 2021: Inclusive Design Program *; ACUADS Grants
  • 2020: Accessible Public Transport Experiences *; iMOVECRC
  • 2020: Promoting Active Commuting *; iMOVECRC
  • 2020: Road Empathy: Understanding and evaluating campaigns for behaviour chanqe in behaviour drivers and VRUs *; ACT Road Safety Fund Grants Program
  • 2020: Supporting Well-being on Public Transport *; iMOVECRC

* Chief Investigator

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