Profile image for Twinkle Mashruwala

Twinkle Mashruwala



Twinkle is a Lecturer in Nursing at Swinburne School of Health Science. She is a Critical Care Trained Registered Nursing (CCRN) with a specialization in Intensive Care Nursing. She is currently pursuing her Master of Nursing with an expected completion date of June 2023.

Throughout her clinical practice, she has developed a deep understanding of critical care nursing, including managing complex patient cases, utilizing advanced technology, and coordinating interdisciplinary care teams. She is passionate about utilising her expertise and knowledge to empower the future generation of nurses via education.

Although she does not have direct experience in research, her years of clinical practice have given her a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in nursing care. She is committed to applying her clinical experience to contribute to the body of nursing research with an aim to collaborate with other researchers and educators to generate knowledge that can positively impact nursing practice and education, ultimately improving patient care outcomes.

Research interests

Nursing; Acute Care; Emotional Intelligence; Intensive Care; Simulation; Nursing curriculum

Teaching areas

Acute and Complex Nurisng Care;Foundations in Nursing;Communication;Pharmocology


Also published as: Mashruwala, Twinkle; Mashruwala, T.
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