Profile image for Takemi Sugiyama

Professor Takemi Sugiyama

Doctor of Philosophy, University of Sydney, Australia; Master of Architecture, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, United States; Bachelor of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan


Takemi Sugiyama’s research explores the nexus between design and health. With his interdisciplinary background in architecture, urban design and behavioural epidemiology, he currently works on the following topics: urban design attributes facilitating adults’ active living; health impact of active and sedentary transport; and office design factors related to workers’ movement and interactions.

Research interests

Public and Environmental Health; Epidemiology

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

Fields of Research

  • Urban And Regional Planning - 330400
  • Public Health - 420600


  • 2019, International, Highly Cited Researcher, Web of Science
  • 2019, National, Australia’s top 40 researchers , The Australian
  • 2017, International, Highly Cited Researcher, Web of Science


Also published as: Sugiyama, Takemi; Sugiyama, T.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2023: Designing liveable neighbourhoods to support healthy ageing *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme

* Chief Investigator

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