Profile image for Tsong Chen

Professor Tsong Chen

Professor, Software Engineering


Tsong Yueh Chen received the BSc and MPhil degrees from The University of Hong Kong, the MSc degree and DIC from the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, U.K., and the PhD degree from The University of Melbourne, Australia. He is currently a Professor of Software Engineering in the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. Prior to joining Swinburne, he has taught at The University of Hong Kong and The University of Melbourne. His current research interests include software testing, debugging, and program repair.

He is the inventor of metamorphic testing and adaptive random testing. Chen was the recipient of the 2024 ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award with citation "for contributions to software testing through the invention and development of metamorphic testing".

Research interests

Software Analysis and Testing

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

Fields of Research

  • Software Engineering - 461200

Teaching areas

Software Analysis and Testing


Also published as: Chen, Tsong; Chen, T.; Chen, T. Y.; Chen, Tsong Y.; Chen, Tsong Yueh; Chen, Tsong-Yueh; Chen, Tsongyueh; Yueh Chen, Tsong
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2021: Context-aware verification and validation framework for autonomous driving *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme
  • 2011: Eat and Dream: effective automatic testing and debugging for real-life embedded wireless communications software *; ARC Linkage Projects Scheme

* Chief Investigator

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