Profile image for Xia-Ji Liu

Professor Xia-Ji Liu

Professor (Physics)
PhD, Tsinghua University, China


Liu earned her PhD degree from Tsinghua University in 2001. She was a postdoc at European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS, 2002-2003) and at the University of Queensland (2004-2006). Over the last fifteen years, Liu has been employed via continuous Fellowships: The University of Queensland Postdoctoral Fellowship (2006-2008), ARC Australian Research Fellowship (ARF, 2009-2014) and ARC Future Fellowship (FT step 2, 2015-2019). The latter two were hosted by Swinburne University of Technology. Liu is currently a Professor at CQTT, Swinburne. Liu also serves on the College of Experts of the Australian Research Council.

Her research interests are in the overlapping areas of quantum optics, atomic and molecular physics, and condensed matter physics. Driven by fast-growing experimental capabilities in ultra-cold atoms, her research has resulted in the development of several important quantum theories of ultra-cold Fermi gases, Bose gases, and Bose-Fermi mixtures. These areas of research all have immediate experimental applications and great implications for future advanced technologies. Liu has published over 160+ papers in peer-reviewed journals, including 23 publications in prestigious Nature Physics, Physics Reports and Physical Review Letters.  Her career-long ISI (Google) citations and h-index are 5200+ (Google, 7200+) and 37 (Google, 44), respectively (see Web of Science ResearcherID 

Research interests

Ultracold Quantum Gases

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

PhD topics and outlines

Exotic Superfluidity: Superfluidity - the ability to flow with zero resistance – is a property of many materials. In the work by Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer was shown that the essential ingredient for all superfluids is the ability of fermions to form pairs. Yet, not all the pairing mechanisms in superfluids follow the simple BCS picture. Here, we are interested in the characterization of exotic superfluidity.

Making Strongly Interacting Photons: This project expects to make a breakthrough in our understanding of polaritons in the strongly interacting regime far from equilibrium and fill in the knowledge gap towards the realisation of a superfluid of light at room temperature

Quantum Virial Expansion : Quantum virial expansion is an entirely new direction to handle strong correlations. It allows a controllable expansion to be worked out even in three dimensions, in terms of a small parameter - the fugacity. It provides an elegant way to bridge the few-body and the many-body worlds. Our specific schemes in this topic include the high-order virial coefficients et al.

Ultracold Atoms with Synthetic Spin-Orbit Coupling: The key ingredient of quantum simulation of topological materials, spin-orbit coupling between ultracold atoms, was just engineered in 2011, as reported in a Nature paper by NIST. Quantum simulation opens a new paradigm for the study of topological materials. Here, we are interested in the characterization of topological superfluids and Bose-Einstein condensates with non-trivial spin-textures.


Available to supervise honours students.

Honours topics and outlines

Quantum Fluids of Light: Polaritons - often referred to as quantum fluids of light – are half-light, half-matter “particles” that keep most characteristics of the underlying photons but also possess intrinsic nonlinearities for easy manipulation. In this project we will review recent development in this field and develop theoretical method to investigate quantum fluids of light.

Ultradilute quantum droplets: Over the past few years, a newly discovered phase of ultracold, dilute quantum droplets has attracted increasingly attention in different fields of physics. The purpose of this project is to develop better microscopic theories of quantum droplets and to solve some challenging theoretical difficulties in this field. 

Fields of Research

  • Degenerate Quantum Gases And Atom Optics - 510801
  • Atomic And Molecular Physics - 510201
  • Condensed Matter Physics - 510400

Teaching areas

Ultracold Quantum Gases;Quantum Mechanics


  • 2022, National, Fellow of The Australian Institute of Physics, AIP
  • 2018, Swinburne, 2018 FSET Woman Researcher Award, FSET
  • 2014, National, ARC Future Fellowship, ARC
  • 2013, Swinburne, Swinburne VC Research Excellence Awards, joint with the experimental Fermi gas team at CQOS, Swinburne
  • 2009, National, ARC Australian Research Fellowship (ARF), ARC
  • 2006, National, University of Queensland (UQ) Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, University of Queensland

Professional memberships

  • 2022 - 2024: Member, Australian Research Council, Australia
  • 2018 - 2021: Member, AIP-ATMOP (Atomic and Molecular Physics) Programme Committee, Australia


Also published as: Liu, Xia-Ji; Liu, Xiaji; Liu, X-J.; Liu, X. J.; Liu, X.-J.; Liu, Xia Ji
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2024: Making Strongly Interacting Photons *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme
  • 2018: Revealing universal exotic superfluidity with ultracold fermionic atoms *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme
  • 2014: Finding the lost particle: Majorana fermions in ultracold atoms *; ARC Future Fellowships
  • 2014: Strongly repulsive ultracold atomic gases as a resource for quantum simulation *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme
  • 2009: Imbalanced superfluidity: The quantum mystery that defies solution *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme

* Chief Investigator