Welcome to the Swinburne Style Guide. This website provides a comprehensive guide of all the structures, styles, patterns and templates utilised across the Swinburne University website.

About this style guide

A Unified User Interface

Swinburne Styles promotes a consistent user interface across Swinburne University's digital properties. This will make the maintenance of our websites easier and empower our users to navigate around the entire website.

Using Swinburne Style

Each of the styles and patterns contained in this style guide have accompanying source code. Simply copy the required source code to build your own templates.

Living Styleguide

This document is designed to be a living document. It should reflect the styles utilised on the website as they evolve over the years. It is therefore encouraged that any updates to stylesheets and templates are added into Swinburne Styles.

Changes to Swinburne Style

If you are proposing changes to any of these styles, patterns or templates please contact the Swinburne Web Services team to have them integrated into this style guide and shared across the wider University.

Browser support

The following browsers are supported by Swinburne. Other browsers may function properly, but this is not guaranteed.

Browser Operating System Supported Versions
Internet Explorer Windows v9+
Mozilla Firefox macOS/Windows Current release
Google Chrome macOS/Windows/iOS/Android Current release
Apple Safari macOS/iOS Current release
Android default browser Android Current release

Asset locations

It is recommended that you reference the assets stored on Swinburne's webserver where possible. Doing so will allow updates to the stylesheet and javascript to be deployed automatically as the site design evolves.


Asset Description Path
2016-styles.css Primary Stylesheet //www.swinburne.edu.au/import/wcms/css/2016-styles.css
2016-styles-old-ie.css [DEPRECATED] Secondary stylesheet (for Internet Explorer 8) //www.swinburne.edu.au/import/wcms/css/2016-styles-old-ie.css


Asset Description Path
2016-swin-responsive.js Javascript to provide responsive design functionality for top navigation //www.swinburne.edu.au/import/wcms/js/2016-swin-responsive.js
2016-swin-responsive-ie.js [DEPRECATED] Javascript providing necessary functionality for browsers that do not support responsive styles //www.swinburne.edu.au/import/wcms/js/2016-swin-responsive-ie.js
AddThis Scripts Swinburne implementation of the AddThis social media sharing widget //s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=swinburneweb
modernizr-2.7.0.min.js Modernizr javascript library to detect browser capabilities //www.swinburne.edu.au/import/wcms/js/modernizr-2.7.0.min.js
widgets.js Provides functionality for accordion and tab widgets //www.swinburne.edu.au/import/wcms/js/widgets.js
Funnelback Search Scripts Provides functionality for Funnelback site search //search.swinburne.edu.au/s/resources-global/js/jquery/jquery.tmpl.min.js

For more information

For more information on Swinburne styles please contact the Swinburne Web Services team at: websupport@swin.edu.au