
Accordions provide a means of hiding blocks of content in a fold-out widget.

The widgets.js javascript file is required for accordion functionality and can be loaded from:


Accordion heading

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blocked page header

The blocked page header enables a heading to have a solid background colour which also has negative left and right margins to pull the block to the edge of the content section.

You can see an example in the course details template

Adding either faux tabs or swin tabs to the section will also make them sit a the bottom of the blocked section.

Blocked page header

Secondary heading

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Indicates the current page with the navigation hierarchy. At mobile the breadcrumb only shows the parent page.

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Bricks are small, stacked snippets of content that contain an image or date with a short piece of text.

By default the .brick block is padded all around. There are some modifier classes that change the layout.

  • .brick--extruded will reduce the padding from 12px to 6px to give more compact spacing.
  • .brick--full-inlay will enable the child element, .brick__inlay, to pull the margins into the padding, giving a full bleed image.

These modifier classes should go with the .brick default class.

Adding more than one brick will space them to the same amount as the padding. You can view an example on the home page template in the events section.

19 Jun

Health, Community & Children's Services sessions

05 Jul

Nursing information session

Learn more about Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Div 2 Nursing).

05 Jul

Nursing information session

Learn more about Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Div 2 Nursing).

Here's something else

Make an individual or group booking to avoid missing out.

Swinburne Leadership Institute's Professor John Fien and Samuel Wilson discuss what leadership is.

Who will succeed in the free market higher education economy?

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calls to action

The contact actions block is placed in the sidebar and is associated with the course pages.

  • On desktop it will be in the sidebar
  • On mobile it will be below the page content
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course meta

Course meta gives the course code, who the course is for and the campus location.

BEEEH023 Undergraduate Hawthorn
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course summary

Microsoft Access Courses

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolo remque la udantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore mit kittehs veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta.

Apply now

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The date block by default displays inline but there are some modifier classes that can change this. .date--stacked will stack the date on top of the month. .date--blocked will add a background and foreground colour to create a date block.

19 Jun 19 Jun 19 Jun
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feature header

Full width header image to be used at the top of any page of content or index. The header can contain a background image with a marketing message, call to action or quotation added on top.

The section.feature-header block must be placed directly inside the .l-wrapper div and before the main .l-container. You can see an example in the templates section or in this template: template-left-content-right.html

Feature promo blocks or widgets can be placed within the feature header as demonstrated.

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heading blocked

The .heading-blocked class is deigned to go directly onto the 'h' tag. This will pad out the heading and provide a red background and faded image with white text.

There are currently no modifier classes but these could be created a later date if needed.


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highlighted blockquote

Ideally used for personal quotes this tile can be used in a right or left image configuration.

By default, the image is on the right but this can be flipped by adding the .highlighted-blockquote--flip modifier class.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate dicta doloribus, explicabo fugit minus officia quam tenetur. Culpa error excepturi.

Sarah Williams

Bachelor of Science

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news and tumblr panel

These panels are designed to be placed at the bottom of landing pages to provide news and events listings where the right-hand sidebar is not available.

Note that you will need to either develop the required back-end code to load the news from both Tumblr and your desired news data source, or contact Web Services to discuss options for integrating with the Swinburne News and Events applications.

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Promo boxes are used sort of like Ads. They have the same structure as teasers but different layout options.

Promo boxes have the following modifier classes.

  • .promo--highlight
  • .promo--horizontal
  • .promo--stacked
  • .promo--inverted
  • .promo--compact

Headline title, promotional effort

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean euismod bibendum laoreet. Proin gravida.

Learn more

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Specifically used on the course search results page to filter the results of the search.

Refine search requires the use of swin accordion to add the correct classes for styling and functionality. You can view an example on the course search template.

The 'update search' button has a modifier which is added via js when filter have been selected. The class .is-active is added, which highlights the button.

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search result

Shows a course search result. The whole block should be clickable.

Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) (Honours)

BEEEH023 Undergraduate Hawthorn
February, March, June, July, August, September, October
Study modes
Full-time, Part-time (day)
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section highlight

Intended for a section or div tag to make it have a full bleed background. Negative margins on the left and right pull the section into the padding.

Numquam officia officiis optio

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab asperiores consequatur dicta ducimus enim fugit impedit maiores, minus molestias natus, numquam officia officiis optio quis sequi sit vero voluptate voluptatibus.

Ab asperiores consequatur dicta ducimus enim:

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tabbed panel

Tabbed panels required Swin tabs for functionality and classes for style.

Find a Science Course

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Tabs require the swintabs.js for functionality and styling. There is also faux tabs which enables the look of tabs but which are really links to other pages.

To use the faux tabs, they need to manually have the .ui-nav-tabs, .ui-state-default and .ui-state-active classes added for the styling to work as expected.

tab one
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The teaser block is meant to show an image, heading and a small snippet of teaser text with a link call to action.

There are a few modifier classes to make the teaser block be more flexible.

By default the .teaser__bd is padded with no background and the image is stacked on top. The .teaser__ft is meant to hold the anchor link call to action text.

  • .teaser--red will give the body and footer sections the swinburne red background with white text.
  • .teaser--dark will use the swinburne dark grey as the background and white text.
  • .teaser--horizontal will make the .teaser__hd sit to the left of the content.
  • .teaser--horizontal--flip will flip the .teaser__hd to the right hand side. This needs to be used in conjunction with the .teaser-horizontal modifier class.
  • Wrapping the teasers in a .teaser-wrap div will enable the teaser to have a background on hover. This is normally used when in the main content as seen here

If you are using the .teaser-wrap div, you still need to provide layout classes if you want columnar layouts. Otherwise the teaser will always span full width.

Apply now for Mid-Year

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con sectetur verus ad ipisicing elit, sed do smod eup temode.

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video panel

Video panels are structurally similar to a teaser block but also have a video category title to name the video. It also does not have padding on the body. There are also no modifier classes currently.

Videos, like images will fill their container.

Inspirational leadership:

Killing bacteria with dragonfly wings

Listen to Swinburne’s Professor Russell Crawford talk about his ground-breaking work fighting bacterial infections on implants by imitating bacteria-resilient dragon fly wings.

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