We teach industry-oriented courses in film and television, traditional and digital animation, games production and digital media. Our courses combine strong theoretical foundations with a hands-on focus – meaning our students not only gain experience with industry-standard hardware and software, but also a comprehensive understanding of concepts that will underpin their careers across the creative industries. Our industry partnerships include Adobe Creative Campus, Toon Boom Centre of Excellence, Wacom Authorised Training Centre and we are an ARRI Accredited Film School. 

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Name Position Contact
Dr Todd Anderson-Kunert Academic Tutor, Film and Television +61 3 9214 5977
Dr Andrea Andiloro Lecturer, Games and Interactivity aandiloro@swinburne.edu.au
Dr Anthony Bartel Education Specialist, Digital Advertising Technology +61 3 9214 5271
Alison Bicknell Academic Tutor, Screen Production abicknell@swinburne.edu.au
Dr Jeff Bird Lecturer, Film and Television +61 3 9214 6007
Dr Shaun Britton Lecturer, Animation +61 3 9214 6443
Dr Elizabeth Burke Lecturer, Film and Television eburke@swinburne.edu.au
Dr Steven Conway Senior Lecturer, Games and Interactivity +61 3 9214 4407
Laura Crawford Lecturer, Games and Interactivity +61 3 9214 3855
Dr Mark Freeman Lecturer, Film and Animation   +61 3 9214 6948
Dr Vincent Giarrusso Lecturer, Film and Television +61 3 9214 6920
David Harris Lecturer, Games and Interactivity dharris@swinburne.edu.au
Dr Jillian Holt Senior Lecturer, Film and Television +61 3 9214 6988
Dr Nicholas Kallincos Education Specialist, Animation +61 3 9214 4542
Dean Keep Lecturer; Course Director, Screen Production +61 3 9214 8509
Professor Susan Kerrigan Chair, Department of Film, Games and Animation skerrigan@swinburne.edu.au
Dr Marilyn Leder Lecturer, Film and Television +61 3 9214 6986
Dr Craig Martin Lecturer, Film and Television camartin@swinburne.edu.au
Michael McMahon Adjunct, Film and Television michaelmcmahon@swinburne.edu.au
Ashley Millott Lecturer, Animation amillott@swinburne.edu.au
Dr Jacqueline Moran Education Specialist, Film and Animation jmoran@swinburne.edu.au
Dr Jack Parry Lecturer, Animation jparry@swinburne.edu.au
Dr Eloise Ross Lecturer, Film and Television +61 3 9214 8820
Associate Professor Max Schleser Associate professor; Course Director, Film and Television +61 3 9214 6194
Professor Melanie Swalwell Professor, Digital Media Heritage +61 3 9214 3911

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For general enquiries, please call +61 3 9214 4983 or send an email to ASSHadmin@swinburne.edu.au

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