Student Services and Amenities Fee
The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) supports important student services and amenities such as health and welfare services, advocacy, sport, student events, student media, cultural and recreational activities.
How the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) is used
The student services and amenities funding helps to improve everyone’s student experience at Swinburne. You may use many or just some of the services and amenities that the fee provides.
On this page:
To get the most out of university life, discover some of the services the SSAF contributes to including:
How much is the SSAF?
The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) differs per student. Your SSAF is a pro-rata fee calculated based on a number of factors including your course load, and what mode of study you are undertaking. In 2024, the maximum charge for SSAF was A$351. The Department of Education has advised the maximum annual charge for SSAF in 2025 is A$365.
Your SSAF fee is due on the Census Date of each study period in which you are enrolled.
Calculating your SSAF
Most students are required to pay the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF). This includes all students who are enrolled in undergraduate, postgraduate and UniLink courses. From 1 January 2024, Vocational Education students studying at Diploma level or above will contribute to the Student Services and Amenities fee. Vocational Education students studying at Certificate IV level or below will be exempt from contributing to the Student Services and Amenities fee.
Some students are exempt from paying the SSAF. This includes students enrolled in the following courses or programs:
- vocational education courses (Cert IV courses and below)
- international students in Australia studying at Swinburne Sydney
- international students living overseas
- international students who commenced their qualification before 1 January 2024, or accepted an offer or received a full offer to commence at Swinburne in 2024 letter prior to 17 August 2023
- Astronomy Online
- exchange (outbound and inbound)
- Study Abroad (outbound and inbound)
- cross-institutional (inbound)
- Open Universities Australia (OUA) — single subject enrolment in a non-award course
- online taught by Industry Partner
- off-campus taught by Industry Partner
- domestic PhD and Masters by Research
- Recognised Prior Learning (RPL)
- humanitarian visa holders
- Swinburne Edge.
How the fee is calculated
Your SSAF is a pro-rata fee calculated based on your course load (number of credit points that you’re enrolled in). Fees are based per course type, whether you are a full-time or part-time student (enrolled in <75 per cent of a full-time load for the year), what mode of study you are undertaking (such as online, Professional Placement, etc.).
In 2024, SSAF will be calculated up to a maximum of A$351 per year and the charge per credit point for Higher Education students is A$4,208.
In 2025, SSAF will be calculated up to a maximum of A$365 per year and the charge per credit point for Higher Education students will be A$4.368. For Vocational Education students, a breakdown of your SSAF calculation will be provided in your statement of account.
Fee calculations by course type
The following tables summarise the fees that apply for standard and non-standard scenarios. Fees are based per course type, whether you are a full-time or part-time student (enrolled in <75 per cent of a full-time load for the year) and what mode of study you are undertaking (such as online, Professional Placement, etc.).
2024 standard higher education scenarios
Type of student | Charge per credit point | Maximum fee |
Associate degree | A$4.208 |
A$351 |
Local undergraduate | A$4.208 |
A$351 |
Local postgraduate | A$4.208 |
A$351 |
National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA) | A$4.208 |
A$351 |
Staff | A$4.208 |
A$351 |
Cross-institutional (outbound)A$4.368 | A$4.208 | A$351 |
Scholarship recipients e.g. VC Scholarships, Dean Scholarships, external Scholarships, sponsored students (local) |
A$4.208 |
A$351 |
Domestic Pathway (UniLink) | A$4.208 |
A$351 |
Open Universities Australia (OUA) – Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) | A$4.208 |
A$351 |
2025 standard higher education scenarios
Type of student | Charge per credit point | Maximum fee |
Associate degree | A$4.368 |
A$365 |
Local undergraduate | A$4.368 |
A$365 |
Local postgraduate | A$4.368 |
A$365 |
National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA) | A$4.368 |
A$365 |
Staff | A$4.368 |
A$365 |
Cross-institutional (outbound)A$4.368 | A$4.368 | A$365 |
Scholarship recipients e.g. VC Scholarships, Dean Scholarships, external Scholarships, sponsored students (local) |
A$4.368 |
A$365 |
Domestic Pathway (UniLink) | A$4.368 |
A$365 |
Open Universities Australia (OUA) – Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) | A$4.368 |
A$365 |
2024 non-standard higher education scenarios
Type of student | Rule |
Mix of on-campus and online study Example: 2 x on-campus units and 5 x online units = 7 units or 3 x on-campus units and 3 x online units |
SSAF charged per credit point up to A$351 maximum fee |
Single course load is an overload i.e. > 1 FTE | SSAF charge of A$351 maximum fee |
Any combination of part-time and full-time load that exceeds > 1 FTE | SSAF charged against full-time units only at A$351 maximum fee |
Part-time study Students studying fewer than 75 credit points in one year |
SSAF charge capped at A$263 for part-time study Students studying on a part-time basis cannot be charged more than 75 per cent of the maximum fee |
2025 non-standard higher education scenarios
Type of student | Rule |
Mix of on-campus and online study Example: 2 x on-campus units and 5 x online units = 7 units or 3 x on-campus units and 3 x online units |
SSAF charged per credit point up to A$365 maximum fee |
Single course load is an overload i.e. > 1 FTE | SSAF charge of A$365 maximum fee |
Any combination of part-time and full-time load that exceeds > 1 FTE | SSAF charged against full-time units only at A$365 maximum fee |
Part-time study Students studying fewer than 75 credit points in one year |
SSAF charge capped at A$273 for part-time study Students studying on a part-time basis cannot be charged more than 75 per cent of the maximum fee |
International tuition fees are generally inclusive of the Student Services and Amenities charge, and are included within your annual tuition fee listed.
From 1 January 2024, all Diploma level and above courses will contribute to the Student Services and Amenities fee. The SSAF payable will vary slightly based on course type, whether you are a full-time or part-time student (enrolled in <75 per cent of a full-time load for the year) and what mode of study you are undertaking (such as online, on-campus etc.).
This fee will be calculated up to the maximum charge (in 2024 this was A$351 per year, in 2025 this will be A$365), and the breakdown of the calculation will be included on your Statement of Account.
Please note that the VET Student Loan and SA-HELP does not cover SSAF. You must pay your SSAF in full by the date on your Statement of Account.
How and when do I pay my SSAF fee?
Some students may be eligible to defer payment of the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) using a government SA-HELP loan. Learn more about SA-HELP loans.
You need to pay your SSAF fee by the census date of each study period in which you are enrolled. You can find the census for all study periods on our Academic calendar. For SSAF payment options for local students refer here.
What can the SSAF be spent on?
The federal government states that universities must only use the SSAF funds for specific services. Find out what services the SSAF expenditure may and may not be spent on.
An overview of services that the SSAF can be spent on includes:
- providing food or drink to students on a campus of the higher education provider
- supporting a sporting or other recreational activity by students
- supporting the administration of a club most of whose members are students
- providing legal services to students
- promoting the health or welfare of students
- helping students obtain employment or advice on careers.
What can't the SSAF funding be spent on?
The fee cannot be used for the provision of academic services, nor can it be used to support political parties or the election of a person to a Commonwealth, State, Territory Parliament or Local Government body.
SSAF Allocations
View past and present SSAF allocations.
2025 Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) allocation process
2024 Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) allocation process
2023 student services and amenities fee allocation process
2022 student services and amenities fee allocation process
2021 student services and amenities fee allocation process
Want to know more about the 2024 SSAF allocation process?
Read our 2024 Student Services and Amenities fee allocation process and review student consultations, expectations and priorities for expenditure in 2024.