Swinburne Student CharterPart 2
This Student Charter is an agreement between you and the university. It outlines the mutual expectations, rights, and responsibilities. As a member of the Swinburne community, it is your responsibility to ensure you are aware of this charter and commit to upholding its expectations during your time with us.
2.1. Expectations of Swinburne
Students will be supported in their learning through:
- course content, facilities, resources, educational technologies and learning activities that are up-to-date and relevant;
- teaching staff who are appropriately qualified, well prepared and use appropriate methods and technologies to maximise opportunities for learning and scholarship;
- academic support that gives feedback on progress, provides opportunities to improve academic performance and skills and helps students in difficulty;
- access to the information needed for successful study;
- opportunities for industry, research, community and international experiences;
- access to student support services for personal wellbeing;
- respect and courtesy from other students and from staff;
- opportunities to provide feedback on your student experience at Swinburne.
2.2. Expectations of students
Students are expected to:
- attend formal learning activities punctually, and participate actively and positively in their own learning;
- engage with their studies, including all self-directed learning tasks, and meet assessment requirements and administrative deadlines;
- monitor their own progress and use feedback from staff to improve learning;
- be accountable for their own learning;
- work responsibly and collaboratively to achieve study outcomes that require group activity, and avoid behaviour that interferes with the study experience of others;
- be honest and respectful with other students and with staff;
- treat other students and staff with honesty, respect and courtesy in a safe manner, and refrain from harassing them or discriminating against them in any way;
- be tolerant of other students’ personal beliefs; recognise the diversity of thought across the student population and respect the secularity of the university;
- respect University property and facilities, including library, computing and laboratory resources, and allow other students’ use of these facilities and services;
- demonstrate professional behaviour while undertaking industry placements, projects or fieldwork, and respect the privacy of the client and any commercial information made available.
Student development and counselling process overview
Table of roles and responsibilities (VC delegation)
Role/Decision/Action | Responsibility* | Conditions and limitations |
Provision by University of student services (including counselling, disability, equity, health, housing, development, faith) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education, Experience and Employability) |
Establishment of student loan and grant schemes for students experiencing financial difficulty | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education, Experience and Employability) | Terms and conditions of schemes must be published |
* (Staff holding, acting in or performing the responsible position or office).
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