Swinburne University of Technology is a world-class university with a vision to bring people and technology together to build a better world. Renowned for strong industry and community engagement, our people are driven by a shared sense of purpose to create tomorrow’s technology and the human talent required for a digital, tech-rich future. 

Read the 2023 Annual Report

Read all about Swinburne and discover our key highlights for 2023.

2023 highlights

    Rose into the top 250 universities in the 2024 Times Higher Education World University Rankings

    Achieved one of our ambitious Horizon 2025 moon shots: every Swinburne learner gets at least one work experience

Achieved 5-star ratings in multiple categories in the Good Universities Guide 2024, including Overall Educational Experience

    Reduced carbon emissions on 2019 levels by 92 per cent, continuing our journey to carbon neutrality by 2025

Student numbers at a glance

36,000+ students (EFTSL)

  • 67% undergraduate*
  • 13% postgraduate*
  • 20% vocational education.

Student demographic

  • 15.7% students are from regional/remote areas**
  • 2% students are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander**
  • 34% international students (onshore/offshore)
  • 100+ student nationalities
  • 8% students with a disability**.

* Scope is higher education students
** Scope is domestic students - higher education and vocational education

These tables include student numbers by overall headcount, by funding sources, level of course, campus, gender and attendance type. 

  Higher education (HE) Vocational education (VE)1
Category 2021 2022 20232 2021 2022 2023
Total student headcount8 41,799 41,279 45,799 18,231 17,559 20,180
Commencing headcount 14,284 15,057 17,986 9,805 9,133 11,316
Total student contact hours (SCH) - - - 6,020,391 5,155,684 5,552,414
Total student load (EFTSL)3 26,209 26,001 29,268 8,362 7,161 7,711
  Higher education (HE) Vocational education (VE)1
By funding source (EFTSL) 2021 2022 20232 2021 2022 2023
Government funded 17,875 16,065 16,336 6,522 5,523 5,642
Full fee-paying (domestic) 1,291 1,268 1,498 1,176 827 1,160
International (offshore, excluding Sarawak) 1,251 2,084 2,577 364 515 566
International (onshore) 3,576 4,527 6,770 300 296 343
Sarawak (approximate) 2,216 2,057 2,087 - - -
  Higher education (HE) Vocational education (VE)1
By level of course (EFTSL) 2021 2022 20232 2021 2022 2023
Postgraduate research 1,203 1,173 1,005 - - -
Postgraduate coursework 2,741 2,591 3,864 56 57 77
Undergraduate4 22,235 22,135 24,186 - - -
Associate degree/degree - - - - - -
Advanced diploma/diploma - - - 3,721 2,911 2,858
Certificate - - - 3,694 3,234 3,692
Other5 31 102 213 891 959 1.084
  Higher education (HE) Vocational education (VE)1
By campus (EFTSL) 2021 2022 20232 2021 2022 2023
Croydon - - - 1,110 831 866
Hawthorn 13,226 13,332 15,320 2,500 2,167 2,288
Prahran 24 51 57 - - -
Wantirna - - - 1,956 1,679 1,481
Sarawak, Malaysia 2,216 2,057 2,087 - - -
Offshore (excluding Sarawak) 1,251 2,084 2,577 363 516 565
Online and other6 9,491 8,477 9,227 2,433 1,968 2,511
  Higher education (HE) Vocational education (VE)1
By gender (EFTSL) 2021 2022 20232 2021 2022 2023
Female 13,923 13,914 15,560 4,365 3,670 4,073
Male 12,240 12,024 13,634 3,674 3,462 3,598
Other 45 62 74 23 29 40
  Higher education (HE) Vocational education (VE)1
By attendance type (headcount) 2021 2022 20232 2021 2022 2023
Full-time7 24,206 24,852 28,708 3,894 2,998 3,210
Part-time 17,593 16,427 17,091 14,337 14,561 16,970
  1. Includes Pathways, Vocational Education, Swinburne Professional, Swinburne Online (SOL), Swinburne Open Education (SOE) and National Institute of Circus Arts.
  2. 2023 preliminary data, final official data available later in 2024.
  3. EFTSL stands for ‘equivalent full-time student load’. VE equals student contact hours divided by 720. HE equals annual total load of 100 credit points expressed in EFTSL.
  4. Includes sub-degrees, bachelors, honours and UniLink diplomas.
  5. VE includes English-language courses (ELICOS), VCE/VCAL and non-certificate enrolments. HE includes non-award.
  6. Includes workplace, distance venues and online delivery. Inclusive of SOL, SOE, Hawthorn Online and CSP-funded Open Universities Australia.
  7. Full-time means an annual study load of six standard units or more, or a study load of three standard units or more over half a year.
  8. Headcount excludes Cross Institutional program enrolments, EFTSL includes all programs.

Note: excludes full-fee Open Universities Australia.

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