Faculty of Business and Law

Information Systems for Social Impact Research Group

Information Systems for Social Impact Research Group

The Information Systems for Social Impact (IS4SI) Research Group takes a systems thinking approach to explore problems faced by society. We seek to apply innovative technology and process-driven solutions to advance, assist, aid and empower individuals and communities.

The group achieves this through collaborative partnerships with a wide range of individuals, communities, community-based organisations, organisations and governments; both locally and internationally.

The vision of the group is to enable positive social impact through the co-creation and responsible deployment of information systems.

The broad IS4SI Research Group membership is currently working on/or has planned the following projects:

  • Preparing for Election: Somali’s National Digital Identity Program and the role of ICT in Somali’s federal election 2024. In collaboration with Somali Cultural Association, Victoria. * Funded.
  • Deploying a Mobile Digital Classrooms in a Box (DCiaB) for remote/tribal Indian village schools
  • Digital Data Land Governance. Protecting the rights of tribal groups in remote Satpuda Ranges, Maharashtra, India.
  • Pest ID and protocol delivery via mobile Apps. In collaboration with Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Farm Science Centre, Pal, India.
  • The Roshni Ki Kiran Project. A Digital Access Vehicle (DAVe) for digital literacy in Pakpattan, Pakistan. * Funded.
  • Assisting ICT curriculum delivery in remote/tribal Indian village schools with LibraryBox applications
  • Reconceptualising and distilling the variables of IT for social impact
  • Improving digital literacy of Hazara refugee women in Dandenong
  • The wicked problem of technology-enabled humanitarian (refugee) relief operations
  • Smartbooks as a tool for adaptive learning and their acceptance by students
  • De-radicalisation through online support networks
  • Advancing smart land management research and solutions in sub Saharan African countries including Namibia, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Rwanda – in partnership with GIZ and TU-Munich.
