Agilent Technologies
Lauren Atalla, HR Operations ANZ at Agilent Technologies on how work integrated learning helps them deliver their services.
Agilent Technologies is a leader in life sciences, diagnostics and applied chemical markets.
The company provides laboratories worldwide with instruments, services, consumables, applications, and expertise, enabling customers to gain the insights they seek. Agilent's expertise and trusted collaboration give them the highest confidence in our solutions.
Our Intern Program was developed several years ago to bring in fresh talent with new ideas and approaches. We usually hire between 8-12 student per year and treat them like employees, so they fit right in from day one. It is always amazing to see the transformation that takes place over the course of a 12-month placement. They gain an understanding of industry, can utilise what they have learned through their studies, and the soft skill development around problem solving, teamwork and confidence are evident in their growth.
There are so many benefits to having students in the team; not only do they bring in new insights, but we also see increased productivity as we involve them in new projects from the get-go.

Two students working on a project together.
Professional Placements and Internship students have a sufficient impact on the team, company and, in some cases, the community as well. We have had students redevelop our Work Experience Program, create online videos that have now resulted in sufficient growth in sales and, redesign documentation and resources used by customers. At Agilent our intern program is a key focus for future talent within the organisation therefore this is extremely important.
Swinburne has been supporting us for quite a few years now by attracting talent, advertising vacancies, and introducing us to students at industry events. We have also been able to convert some of our placement students into graduate hires – they’ve already got 12-months’ worth of experience with our organisation, which is excellent!
The fact that Swinburne University offers a professional component to their courses adds value to the graduates once they complete their studies and are searching for employment.
Want to work with our students?
Contact us today to learn how your organisation can benefit from working with our talented students and graduates.