
This course aims to provide participants a basic understanding of Industry 4.0/digital technologies, associated benefits, applications, and approach to technology adoption, using a holistic approach.

The course is delivered in two formats. During the virtual sessions, participants learn about Industry 4.0, how it is transforming manufacturing, and how the concept of Lean Industry 4.0 accelerates operational excellence. Participants also learn about various software and technology, for example IIoT, process simulation, Digital Twins, AI, Cybersecurity, Vision systems, Robotics/Cobots, Additive Manufacturing, Energy monitoring, VR and AR. During the optional on-campus sessions, participants can expect to get hands-on with various technologies to get an appreciation of their usage.

*This is a fully subsidised course by Victorian Government DJSIR. Click the Apply now button below to apply for a subsidy.

Who should attend

Created specifically for industry professionals in senior, middle management & front-line leadership wanting to gain a high-level understanding of Industry 4.0 technologies.

More broadly, General Managers, Operations Managers, Production & Maintenance Managers, Innovation/ Continuous Improvement / Digital Transformation Managers, Production / Quality supervisors and team leaders from industrial and consumer goods manufacturing and processing industries including food & beverage manufacturing, agribusiness, defence, FMCG etc., can benefit from this course.

Skills you’ll learn

  • high level awareness and understanding of various Industry 4.0/digital technologies
  • tools to create operational excellence using Industry 4.0/digital technologies
  • high level understanding of the applications and benefits of various Industry 4.0/digital technologies
  • Approaches to technology adoption for successful digital transformation

Learning outcomes

  • dispel any misconceptions about Industry 4.0
  • help develop a positive mindset and outlook towards the benefits of Industry 4.0 adoption
  • create Industry 4.0/Digital transformation champions (change champions)
  • leverage the course as part of your change and transformation plans
  • create and/or implement digital strategy, promote and lead Industry 4.0 adoption/Digital transformation programs/projects within your business

Why Swinburne?

Delivered by facilitators who are industry experts

Participant course training manual

Live Online delivery allows you to do the course from anywhere

Access to our team of Customer Development Advisors